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Canna~Fangled Abstracts

The endocannabinoid system and breathing

By April 18, 2023May 8th, 2023No Comments

 2023; 17: 1126004.
Published online 2023 Apr 18. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1126004
PMCID: PMC10153446
PMID: 37144090


Recent changes in cannabis accessibility have provided adjunct therapies for patients across numerous disease states and highlights the urgency in understanding how cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid (EC) system interact with other physiological structures. The EC system plays a critical and modulatory role in respiratory homeostasis and pulmonary functionality. Respiratory control begins in the brainstem without peripheral input, and coordinates the preBötzinger complex, a component of the ventral respiratory group that interacts with the dorsal respiratory group to synchronize burstlet activity and drive inspiration. An additional rhythm generator: the retrotrapezoid nucleus/parafacial respiratory group drives active expiration during conditions of exercise or high CO2. Combined with the feedback information from the periphery: through chemo- and baroreceptors including the carotid bodies, the cranial nerves, stretch of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, lung tissue, and immune cells, and the cranial nerves, our respiratory system can fine tune motor outputs that ensure we have the oxygen necessary to survive and can expel the CO2 waste we produce, and every aspect of this process can be influenced by the EC system. The expansion in cannabis access and potential therapeutic benefits, it is essential that investigations continue to uncover the underpinnings and mechanistic workings of the EC system. It is imperative to understand the impact cannabis, and exogenous cannabinoids have on these physiological systems, and how some of these compounds can mitigate respiratory depression when combined with opioids or other medicinal therapies. This review highlights the respiratory system from the perspective of central versus peripheral respiratory functionality and how these behaviors can be influenced by the EC system. This review will summarize the literature available on organic and synthetic cannabinoids in breathing and how that has shaped our understanding of the role of the EC system in respiratory homeostasis. Finally, we look at some potential future therapeutic applications the EC system has to offer for the treatment of respiratory diseases and a possible role in expanding the safety profile of opioid therapies while preventing future opioid overdose fatalities that result from respiratory arrest or persistent apnea.

Keywords: endocannabinoid system, respiratory system, opioids, cannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors

1. Introduction

A functioning respiratory system is critical to survival () and preserved across many species. The role of the endocannabinoid (EC) system in respiratory homeostasis remains to be fully elucidated. The infancy of our understanding of the interactions of the EC system and respiratory physiology should not equal an assumed lack of influence over each other. Recent studies have shown that administration of a cannabinoid2 receptor (CB2R) inverse agonist () or a brain penetrant cannabinoid1 receptor agonist (CB1R; ) induced respiratory depression () – suggesting a tonic role of the CB2R and CB1R in modulation of respiratory functionality. The EC system has repeatedly been shown to play a holistic regulatory role in many other activities, from experiencing pleasure, to cognitive abilities, and even in the perception of pain (), making it no surprise that the EC system is also involved in respiratory behavior. It is well established that cannabinoids from the cannabis plant act on our EC system, lending to the discovery of the EC system itself (). To date all but three states in the US participate in some form of legal cannabis access (), and a recent Gallup poll showed that ~12% of US adults report consistently smoking cannabis (). Researchers have long been working to understand the impact of cannabis on the body as well as in combination with other medication therapies, including opioids (). While some observational studies have found conflicting results (), studies since have been able to delineate some of the changes cannabis smoke can have on the body, such as upper lobe emphysematous changes (), hyperinflation (), bronchiolitis (), alveolar cell hyperplasia with atypia and fibrosis (), sputum production and increased cough (). It is worth stating that this was seen with traditional combustion delivery methods, as opposed to other routes of cannabis administration, and no evidence to date suggests cannabis smoke leads to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease like tobacco smoke does (). But these changes alone do not paint the full picture of the role the EC system has in respiratory functionality. With the increasing number of people utilizing cannabis and cannabinoids on their own or as an adjunct to other treatments (), especially in combination with analgesics, it is imperative to understand how the EC system and cannabinoids influence our respiratory system.

This review will explore cannabinoids and the EC system in the context of respiratory regulation, highlighting CB1R and CB2R influence in the context of central versus peripheral activation, followed by the effects of organic and synthetic cannabinoids on breathing. A summary of cannabinoids effects on breathing is laid out in Figure 1. While additional research is available on cannabinoid tolerance () or sex differences () could affect breathing, they are outside the scope of this review. We will discuss future possible therapeutic applications for treatment of respiratory diseases as well as a possible role in preventing future opioid overdose fatalities that result from respiratory arrest or persistent apnea.

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Effects of pharmacologically targeting central or peripheral CB1 and CB2 receptors on respiratory function. Respiratory outcomes are represented by their mechanism of action; with CB1 selective affinity to the left and CB2 selective affinity to the right. Outcomes are also represented with peripherally mediated outcomes along the bottom and centrally, or systemic outcomes, along the top.

The respiratory system is made up of two main components, a reflexive and cognitive component. The reflexive component is always at work; meticulously monitoring carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, pH changes, and expelling waste 24/7 without any conscious thought or input (). The other component is the cognitive side. The reflexive component can be overridden and altered by a conscious choice to intervene such as when engaging in breathing exercises, holding ones’ breath, or smoking of a substance (). It is these intentional altered inhales that aid the gas exchange of inhaled compounds from the lungs into the bloodstream, such as cannabis or other inhalants The effects felt through inhalation are almost immediate thanks to the efficiency of this fine-tuned respiratory system (). The most common route of cannabis and synthetic cannabinoid (SC) consumption is through inhalation, making it vital to public safety that we understand the effects these compounds have on lung tissue and function, as well as how our endogenous cannabinoids influence our respiratory behavior for future therapeutic discovery.

2. Central and peripheral respiratory influence of cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system

2.1. Cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system

The EC system is highly integrated in multiple organ systems of the brain and body, and involved in multiple ways in all homeostatic regulation (). Both cannabinoid receptors, CB1R and CB2R, have varying distributions in the body, purporting different roles between the two. Within the central nervous system (CNS) CB1R are primarily localized within the CNS on presynaptic cells for inhibitory feedback to the cell (), as well as some non-neural tissue. CB2Rs are involved in inflammation and immunology in the periphery, as well as the CNS, where they are highly expressed in immune cells () and microglia () on the CNS, regulating immune functions (). With the ubiquitous distribution of cannabinoid receptors within the CNS, especially the CB1R, it is no surprise that the EC system plays a direct role in fine tuning the process of breathing and can be manipulated by exogenous or endogenous cannabinoids. Locations of known EC system influence are shown in Figure 2. While drug administration through inhalation is fast and effective, cannabinoids have been shown to influence respiratory rate through other routes of administration (), as well as offering a more personalized treatment plan for patients who do not tolerate inhalation, or an alternative to traditional combustion based methods of drug delivery. While reports of direct CNS administration of the dual CB1/CB2R agonist, WIN 55212-2, produced respiratory depression (), imagining studies for cannabinoid receptors have been inconsistent in confirming receptor presence and exact concentration levels in brainstem respiratory nuclei ().

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CB1/CB2 receptor distribution and current understanding of their role in respiratory function. Dots in the brain represent centrally mediated effects, dots in the lungs and abdomen represent peripherally mediated effects. Dot size corresponds to concentration levels of the receptor within the region.

The most studied and well understood EC lipids are anandamide (AEA), a partial agonist, and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), a full agonist (), at both CB1R and CB2R. Both ligands are produced on demand in the postsynaptic cell for retrograde regulation of presynaptic activity and glial cell function. Endogenous cannabinoid ligands, AEA and 2-AG, are synthesized intracellularly (), further supporting a critical role of the EC system in the homeostatic process. Cannabinoids and EC lipids are not the only active compounds to consider about this system, as some of their metabolites, like 2-arachidonoyglycerol ether (), have also been shown to activate and modulate CB1R and CB2R (). Other endogenous molecules have been shown to activate CB1R and CB2R, such as oleamide, N-oleoyl dopamine, N-arachidonoyl-dopamine, O-arachidonoyl-ethanolamine, noladin, and virodhamine, just to name a few (); for review of EC metabolites see (). All of these lipids predominantly target the CB1R and CB2R, but have been shown to bind to other targets such as orphan receptors; GPCR GPR-55 (), GPR18 (), GPR110 (), GPR119 () transient receptor potential channels (TRP; ), and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs; ). Orphan GPCRs which respond to cannabinoid ligands have emerged as putative cannabinoid receptors. While cannabinoids have been shown to bind to these GPCRs and ion channels, their effect on breathing have yet to be fully elucidated.

Both CB1R and CB2R are GPCRs that negatively couple to adenylyl cyclase, activate potassium (K+) channels, and inhibit calcium influx to hyperpolarize the cell and attenuate vesicular release (). CB1R and CB2R also stimulate the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway (), potentially explaining how this system communicates to recruit necessary support cells to regulate neuronal behavior. Specifically, agonism of CB1Rs activates the MAPK pathway, impacting cell transcription, translation, motility, shape, proliferation, and differentiation from the resulting phosphorylation of nuclear transcription factors, and that can cause CB1R desensitization and internalization if prolonged (). For a list of receptors and location see table 1 by  review (). Given the wide-spread distribution of CB1R and CB2Rs, understanding their contributions to respiratory control can be evaluated by peripheral versus central contributions.

CB1R activation in the periphery is involved in the functional reactivity of the airways through stimulation that inhibits the contraction of airway smooth muscle via acetylcholine inhibition from cholinergic nerves (). The CB1Rs are found to couple to Gαi that can lead to GIRK coupling similar to mu opioid receptors (MOR), hyperpolarizing the neurons () to reduce respiratory rate () yet, unlike that of opioids, lack the ability to cause a persistent apnea. This is thought to be due to MORs found both pre- and post synaptically () producing additional inhibitory feedback while CB1Rs are predominantly found presynaptically (). Additionally, the ability to track and observe our oxygen (O2) saturation and respiratory rate appear to be a CB1R driven effect, yet whether the CB1R effect is peripherally or centrally mediated remains to be uncovered.

Literature has also shown CB2Rs enhance the release of anti-inflammatory factors, as well as modulate respiratory drive (). Complimentary qRT-PCR assay confirmed heavy populations of CB2Rs in the preBötzinger complex (pBc; ); unpublished immunohistochemistry assays revealed an abundance of CB2Rs co-localized with Iba1, not GFAP, suggesting their location to be on microglia and not astrocytes (unpublished data, Largent-Milnes lab) aligning with prior reports. Activated microglia decrease the amplitude of nearby neuron action potentials, including those of the pBc () suggesting a possible protective mechanism for CB2R agonists to inhibit activated microglia. CB2R have also been found on multiple types of immune cells, including white blood cells, B lymphocytes, natural killer cells (), polymorphonuclear leukocytes such as eosinophils () and other monocytes (). They are implicated in inflammatory responses of the periphery and CNS, acting through sensory nerves (). The predominant cell type expressing CB2R are B lymphocytes (), with the level of expression contingent on the type and strength of the stimuli (). Robust localization of CB2R in immune cells may purport a role for immunosuppression. Studies across several disease states have shown the role of cannabinoids in immunosuppression through induction of apoptosis, inhibition of cell proliferation, inhibition of the production of cyto- and chemokines, reduce cytokine activation and T cell proliferation, as well as induction of regulatory T lymphocytes. Antagonists of the CB2R have shown to prevent THC-induced apoptosis (), while antagonism of the CB1R failed to show similar results () further highlighting the immunoprotective effects of the CB2R (). Chronic inflammatory respiratory conditions, such as allergic asthma, recruit eosinophils to the airways in response (). These densely packed white blood cells with CB2Rs that respond to such inflammatory conditions further suggest a homeostatic role of the EC system in respiratory function and warrants continued investigations of ways to manipulate this mechanism therapeutically for people with inflammatory respiratory conditions.

2.2. Central respiratory control and the endocannabinoid system

Inspiratory drive comes from the central pattern generator (CPG) in the brainstem via the preBötzinger Complex (pBc), a nucleus located in the ventral lateral medulla and part of the ventral respiratory group. The pBc interacts with the dorsal respiratory group and the central termini of the hypoglossal and vagal nerves to generate respiratory rhythm () In the dorsal region of the pons, also known as the pneumotaxic center, the parabrachial nucleus, containing Kölliker-Fuse nucleus, provides tonic excitatory inputs to the pBc to provide smooth transitions from inspiration to expiration by inhibiting the rhythmic burstlet conversion to motor output bursts arising from the pBc (). The dorsal respiratory group receives inputs from the apneustic center in the lower pons, as well as feedback from the periphery to inhibit expiration and allow for inspiration to, again, occur. The stretch mechanoreceptors from the lungs, diaphragm, and intercostal muscles (), as well as inputs from chemoreceptors and baroreceptors of the carotid bodies and aortic arch, all relay this feedback to the nucleus tractus solitarius, heavily populated with CB1Rs (), and the dorsal respiratory group, for modulation of respiratory rate. Additional feedback is provided by the vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves to the nucleus tractus solitarius about O2, CO2, and pH levels from lung mechanoreceptors and peripheral chemoreceptors to further refine the necessary burstlets to maintain O2 levels for cell survival.

The pneumotaxic center inhibits the pBc and apneustic center, while the apneustic center promotes activity of the pBc. The pBc then sends signals to inhibit the pneumotaxic center, moving the tongue out of the way via the hypoglossal nerve during inspiration (). The nucleus ambiguous controls the pharynx, larynx, and soft palate during inspiration, while the nucleus retroambiguus sends signals to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles in response to inspiration and expiration. While cannabinoid receptors were not traditionally thought to exist in respiratory nuclei, recent studies have confirmed their presence in the pBc (), as well as neighboring regions controlling motor output has been well established ().

The other CPG, is known as the retrotrapezoid nucleus ()/parafacial () respiratory group, which controls active expiration, during conditions of exercise or high CO2 concentrations (). The retrotrapezoid nucleus is believed to promote breathing immediately following birth () and is opioid insensitive since the endogenously released opioids to comfort the mother and baby during the birthing process () would be detrimental on the opioid sensitive pBc (), making this potentially opioid insensitive region an area of promise for future research into prevention of the deadly effects of over ingestion of opioids. Genetic knockout mice for selective genes that play a role in active expiration as early as birth (), are unable to survive 24 h post-delivery without administration of naloxone to maintain rhythmic properties of the opioid sensitive pBc ().


2.2.1. PreBötzinger complex and the endocannabinoid system

The pBc is responsible for the synchronization of the neuronal burstlets that control automatic inspiration, but not expiration. The pBc neurons are characterized neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1) containing cells that are the targets of neurotransmitters such as substance P, GABA and glutamate. These input neurons as well as the pBc neurons themselves are provided support by astrocytes and microglia (). Substance P activation of NK1 neurons in somatostatin-containing neurons of the pBc is reported to drive bursts, while Mu opioid receptors (MOR) on these same neurons, when activated, inhibit these same events. In addition, the pBc burslet activity for synchronized inspiration has been shown to be modulated by multiple additional receptors including CB1Rs and CB2Rs (), purinergic receptors, TRP subtype channel 3, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors (), N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, developing brain homeobox protein 1 (DBX1) receptors, gastrin releasing peptide receptors, adenosine receptors, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors ().

The pBc and other respiratory nuclei, including the Bötzinger complex just anterior to the pBc, and a subset of neurons in the ventrolateral medulla are heavily populated with MORs (), and NK1Rs, which are colocalized on somatostatin neurons within the pBc (). A fatal opioid overdose occurs following activation of MORs within the pBc causing desynchronization of burstlets, and consequently respiratory arrest or persistent apnea. This increase in time it takes to synchronize burstlets slows inspiration but has no impact on the frequency of expiration (), eventually resulting in death; this outcome from hyperpolarization following MOR activation can be reversed with the opioid antagonist, naloxone (). The fact that levels of CB1Rs and CB2Rs in the central respiratory nuclei are less than MORs is partly due to their restricted expression to only presynaptic inhibition instead of pre- and postsynaptic inhibition like MORs, possibly explaining why no deaths have been reported by cannabis despite the many similarities in actions opioid and cannabinoid receptors share ().


2.2.2. Support cells, the preBötzinger complex, and the endocannabinoid system

Glia, support cells found in the extracellular environment that are involved in neuronal homeostasis, include microglia and astrocytes (). Astrocytes have been shown to support this environment via Kir4.1 channels that regulate baseline potassium (K+) levels in the pBc (). Kir4.1 is an inwardly rectifying K+ channel exclusively expressed in glial cells within the CNS that modulates extracellular K+ homeostasis, maintains astrocyte resting membrane potential, and facilitates glutamate uptake (). Additionally, astrocytes have been well defined in supportive roles maintaining water and ion concentrations, blood–brain barrier integrity, and membership in the tripartite synapse (). Astrocytes within the pBc are morphologically different compared to astrocytes within the brainstem by their different K+ channel expression patterns (), likely reflective of their role in respiratory modulation (). While not fully understood, studies to date suggest astrocytes assist in the exchange of K+ and Cl on neighboring GABAergic neurons and regulate extrasynaptic glutamate concentrations via an exchange with cystine. It has also been shown that declines in this glutamate/cystine exchange can promote trafficking of mGLU5 receptors to the extrasynaptic membrane and are believed to be directly involved in the onset of long-term depression. This integrated involvement of astrocytes and the behavior of glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons support evidence that they may be actively involved in respiratory rhythm generation within the pBc. A certain subset of astrocytes within the pBc have demonstrated increased rises of calcium immediately preceding inspiratory neuronal firing (). Inhibition of astrocytes has been shown to depress breathing in vivo (). Astrocytes in the pBc release ATP which under hypoxic conditions increases respiratory activity (). Though the exact role of astrocytes in the pBc is poorly understood, it is thought that they modulate the respiratory network ().

Prior studies have shown that either the inhibition (or depletion) of microglia, or their activation, reduces the respiratory rates (). Beyond extracellular homeostatic maintenance, phenotypically classified as M0, microglia are also critical mediators of neuroinflammation () and respond quickly to small extracellular K+ changes to become activated (). Once activated, phenotypically classified as M1, microglia mediated neuroinflammation by phagocytizing pathogens, recruiting inflammatory cells, and the production of chemokines and cytokines (), as well as upregulating adaptive immune responses (). Once the threat has dampened, the healing process begins via polarization into an M2 microglia phenotype, or alternative activation state. Here microglia begin to express growth factors and anti-inflammatory mediators to aid in recovery (). While three distinct phenotype classification states have been established, it is understood that these states exist on a spectrum and are not an all or none classification. Microglia, when activated, decrease the amplitude of the action potentials in nearby neurons () so microglia activation in the pBc could have a negative impact on burstlets that reach burst threshold.

Further research has uncovered CB2R knockout (KO) mice to be unable to fully polarize to an M2 microglia phenotype (), further supporting the necessity of CB2Rs to facilitate polarization to an M2 phenotype. The M2 phenotype is further stratified into M2a and M2c activation states. Stimuli typical of these activation states have been shown to increase synthesis of endogenous EC ligands such as 2-AG and AEA further suggesting a role for the EC signaling system () in the M2 phenotype and anti-inflammatory effects. Studies comparing administration of AEA as well as administration of a CB1/2 receptor agonist, such as WIN 55212-2, has also shown to suppress proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-5 and inducible nitric oxide synthetase. Conversely, inhibition of CB2R in the setting of inflammation is known to exacerbate neuronal damage more so than CB1R inhibition allowing microglia to pursue a pro-inflammatory response (). Despite initial reports that CB2R expression was present only in the periphery, studies have shown CB2R expression in the brain in both pathological and nonpathological conditions (). Furthermore, the implication of ECs producing an anti-inflammatory state postulates a role for ECs in respiratory homeostasis within the CNS (). For a review of microglia CB2Rs see ().

2.3. Peripheral respiratory control and the endocannabinoid system

In the periphery, receptors and neurotransmitters work together to regulate sympathetic activation instead of the maintenance mechanisms seen in the CNS. Among the cannabinoid receptors, CB1R plays a role in the functional reactivity of the airways through stimulation that inhibits the contraction of airway smooth muscle via inhibition of acetylcholine from cholinergic nerves (). It is believed that AEA activation of peripheral CB1Rs is one means to control bronchial contractility. This control is dependent on the current state of the bronchial muscle. During the capsaicin-evoked bronchospasm, when the muscle is contracted, AEA can ease this contraction, likely by inhibiting prejunctional release of excitatory neurotransmitters and neuropeptides (). Alternatively, bronchoconstriction can be seen because of CB1R activation when the smooth muscle is relaxed following the removal of a constricting influence on the vagus nerve (). CB2Rs are likely to play a role in the mechanisms for neurogenic inflammation, acting through sensory nerves (). Chemoreceptors located on carotid arteries respond to changes in blood O2 levels, baroreceptors sense blood pressure changes, and activated pulmonary stretch receptors release surfactant, reducing surface tension for the transition to expiration (). These stretch receptors interact with chemoreceptors and baroreceptors to continuously inform the central respiratory centers, via the vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves, to maintain respiratory homeostasis (). ECs are produced and their receptors are expressed in each of these areas.

As a first line of defense, the respiratory system contains numerous immune cells, the abundance of those cells being alveolar macrophages () to protect us against aerosolized bacteria, viruses and toxins are bronchial epithelial cells, alveolar macrophages and dendritic cells of the lungs (). While most abundant in alveoli, other leukocytes express CB1Rs and CB2Rs and play a role in lung immunity (). Recent literature has begun to uncover the role the EC system plays in this line of defense. CB1Rs and CB2Rs have been found via mRNA and proteins () detection in vagal afferents (), nerve fibers that innervate bronchioles (), and bronchiolar smooth muscle cells (), as well as the peripheral termini of lung tissue () and are believed to play a homeostatic role in bronchial contractility (). This is important given that current literature has not reported CB1Rs and CB2Rs expression in the epithelial cells of the primary airway despite the presence of their mRNA being found in the human bronchial epithelial cell line, 16HBE14o (). Recently the lung tissue of patients with adenocarcinoma was utilized to isolate macrophages and revealed CB1Rs and CB2R mRNA and proteins in macrophages associated with the tumor and non-tumor collected samples (). Levels of CB2R were higher than CB1R in alveolar and monocyte macrophages, but they were found to be functionally opposite in extracellular signal-regulated kinases ½ (ERK1/2) phosphorylation assays. Airway epithelial cells are part of that first line of defense that can identify pathogens and activate leukocytes in conditions of inflammation () making their role and response to cannabinoids and ECs of great interest for future directions and potential future therapies. Thus, highlighting the multitude of outcomes the EC system can produce through different mechanisms within the respiratory defense system of the periphery.

The ability of the mammals to track and observe our O2 saturation and respiratory rate appear to also be a CB1R driven effect, but the mechanisms underlying these effects remain unknown. In one study the cannabinoid reuptake inhibitor, AM404, was administered to investigate the effects of the endogenous cannabinoids on breathing. This increase in cannabinoid availability reduced respiratory rate and arterial O2 saturation. This effect was completely abolished in CB1R KO mice (). While other studies have reported respiratory benefits from peripherally restricted CB1R agonism when coadministered alongside morphine (). These data lend support for further investigation of peripheral versus brain penetrant CB1R agonism to play different roles in respiratory functionality. Below we detail some of these actions in the periphery.


2.3.1. Chemoreceptors and baroreceptors and the endocannabinoid system

Cannabinoids may act on peripheral sites such as on chemoreceptors and baroreceptors. Through in-situ hybridization, CB1Rs have been found to have some expression in the nodose-petrosal-jugular ganglia, superior cervical ganglia, and some sparse localization within the carotid body (). Chemoreceptors are what sense gas and pH levels. They respond when O2 levels rise and fall, as well as CO2 levels. They also provide feedback on pH levels in the blood so alterations can be made if necessary. Central chemoreceptors are located below the ventrolateral surface of the medulla. As arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) rises, it diffuses across the blood brain barrier to raise the CO2 content of cerebrospinal fluid where it eventually hydrates to carbonic acid and ionizes to reduce the pH of cerebrospinal fluid. These pH sensitive receptors within the medulla detect this change and release L-glutamate (), along with ATP, relay to the pBc to increase the respiratory rate in order to decrease arterial PCO2 (). It has also been suggested that respiratory depression resulting from CB1R activation may involve peripheral arterial chemoreceptors; other studies have reported a protective benefit from peripheral CB1R activation () leaving future studies to fully parse out the role of the peripheral CB1R. Expression of CB1R within the carotid body implicates a role for blood flow regulation thereby affecting respiratory control. Central chemoreceptors do not directly respond to partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), only PCO2. Peripheral chemoreceptors, on the other hand, which are located on carotid and aortic bodies, are stimulated by increased PCO2, decreased blood pH, and decreased PO2 () to alert the central respiratory centers of necessary alterations needed to maintain homeostasis. In addition, CB1Rs can act through the carotid body by forming heterodimers with other GPCRs present such as delta opioid receptors, MOR, adenosine 2A receptors, and dopamine 2 receptors ().

Baroreceptors are rapid acting mechanoreceptors located in the carotid sinus and aortic arch sensing changes in arterial blood pressure. Previous studies imply that increases in blood pressure may abruptly prolong expiration in response to baroreceptor activation (). Cannabinoids may also act via a modulating role in the baroreceptor reflex. Activation of cannabinoid receptors in the nucleus of tractus solitarius (), through administration of WIN 55212-2 and CP 55940, elicits a baroreflex-like response through a decrease in arterial pressure and sympathetic inhibition, which is antagonized with pretreatment of the CB1R antagonist, AM281 (). An intact baroreceptor reflex was required to demonstrate the baroreflex-like response as sino-aortic-denervated rats demonstrated attenuated responses to WIN 55212-2, implicating a more modulatory role of cannabinoids ().

Few studies have focused solely on synthetic cannabinoids (SCs) effects on peripheral receptors within the respiratory system, such as chemoreceptors and baroreceptors. Prior literature has shown activation of chemo- and baroreceptors can increase bronchial airway resistance, reducing overall respiratory functions. This has been explored as a possible mechanism of central CB1R stimulation to explain the respiratory depression seen from SCs ().


2.3.2. Lung tissue and the endocannabinoid system

Cannabinoids, both exogenous and endogenous, have shown to have potentially therapeutic benefits due to their inhibitory effects on immune functions and cell recruitment in lung inflammation. Conversely, cannabinoids have also shown to slow respiratory pathogen clearance and be deleterious on lung function (). Other conflicting findings have shown an absence of cannabinoid effects altogether, but many of these studies were conducted in naïve animals, while studies in pathological models have demonstrated beneficial effects from cannabinoids ().

Lung tissue terminals, structural cells, and leukocytes () have all been shown to contain CB1Rs () and control bronchial contractility and function in a homeostatic role (). In one study, capsaicin-evoked bronchospasm was relaxed following a local administration of a CB1R agonist via inhibition of vagal input, suggesting CB1Rs role as a homeostatic respiratory regulator (). This promotion of homeostatic respiration by peripheral CB1R activation may explain how a peripherally restricted CB1R agonist can have a different effect than a brain penetrant CB1R agonist (). Alveolar macrophages extracted from people who consume cannabis via combustion regularly have decreased capability to ingest/remove staphylococcus aureus (), produce less nitric oxide (), and caused a weakened host defense through decreased cytokine priming (). Following capture of these antigens, dendritic cells migrate to lymph nodes to pass the antigen to naïve T cells (). CB2Rs have been shown to facilitate this migration to the lymph nodes (). This migration process becomes impaired following tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) exposure and could leave the individual open to impaired immune responses from pulmonary pathogens (). As with the rest of the EC system, there are still future studies necessary to fully uncover the mechanisms by which cannabis consumption impacts the respiratory immune system as other data have found benefits from THC on the severity of acute respiratory distress syndrome through alterations of lungs microbiota ().


2.3.3. Cranial nerves and the endocannabinoid system

The sensory nerves of the respiratory system include the vagal, glossopharyngeal, phrenic, and intercostal nerves (). The vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves relay all the necessary information in response to peripheral respiratory actions to the central respiratory nuclei to make needed modifications and signal when to transition to the next phase in the respiratory cycle. Expression of CB1Rs within nuclei of the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerve have suggested a peripheral role in sensory and autonomic function for ECs (). The phrenic and intercostal nerves send information from the diaphragm while the internal intercostal nerves relay additional stretch information from the intercostal muscles. These nerves bring in information from mechanoreceptors that sense pressure and stretch changes in the lungs, as well as O2 saturation, CO2 saturation, and pH levels via chemoreceptors all to fine tune the respiration sequence ().

3. Organic and synthetic cannabinoids on breathing

The most common, and well known organic cannabinoid is Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a mixed CB1R/CB2R partial agonist (), that does not cause respiratory depression (), and has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of chronic pain, migraines, anorexia, nausea, just to name a few (). The experienced psychoactive effects seen with cannabis use are largely attributed to the result of THC activation on the multiple receptor targets it may occupy, including CB1R, CB2R, as well as GPR55 (), GPR18 (), serotonin 3A (), PPARγ (), and TRP channels 2, 3, and 4 (), explaining just how THC can have such a wide spectrum of therapeutic benefits for such a broad list of ailments, as well as impacts on cognitive functioning, motor movements, and possible immunosuppression (). Medicinal benefits of THC also appear to be easily modulated by other cannabinoids (), for review see (), making fine tuning individual therapies with THC a very promising and future public health benefit. Multiple studies have shown in healthy volunteers and volunteers with chronic bronchial asthma, of minimal or moderate severity, that the use of THC results in bronchodilation (), and the concentrations of THC that demonstrate this protective finding are concentrations that do not result in central or cardiovascular effects () suggesting a possible peripherally driven mechanism. Conversely, disruption of the alveolar epithelium and vascular endothelium of any kind is known as an acute lung injury (). Under these conditions the use of cannabinoids as a treatment option proved beneficial in all () but one study showed CBD to be pro-inflammatory under these conditions ().

Another common organic cannabinoid is cannabidiol (CBD). CBD has also shown promising effects, likely also due to the promiscuous affinity CBD has to multiple receptors, for review see (). Studies of systemic administration have shown that CBD reduces the inflammation response and structural changes that take place during the remodeling process of asthma (), as well as stunt inflammatory parameters following acute lung injury (). Reductions in airway responsiveness have also been observed following CBD treatment (). CBD also influences airway smooth muscle tone and reduces contractions caused by endogenous cannabinoids suggesting beneficial effects for the treatment of obstructive airway disorders (). Furthermore, in respiratory studies, CBD was shown to prevent morphine-induced respiratory depression in room air but lost those protective effects under a CO2 challenge ().

Synthetic cannabinoids (SCs) are a class of cannabinoids that were developed by chemists to investigate and further understand the EC system (). They were not designed for human consumption (), as many of these compounds are selective to the CB1R with an ability to cross the blood–brain barrier and can be dangerous (), while some experiences have been unpleasant to the person, examples of these compounds being utilized by people outside the laboratory have been reported as case studies () and have been equally important in understanding the mechanisms by which the EC system functions (). An overview of these different outcomes on breathing can be seen in Figure 1. Preclinical and clinical studies have shown CB1R brain penetrant SCs to result in respiratory depression (). Inhalation of SCs can damage bronchiolar epithelium and the protective surfactant layer within alveoli causing hypoxia and acidosis from the resulting interference in effective gas exchange (). These results have been shown to influence respiratory function by increasing airway resistance () and reductions in blood pressure and circulating noradrenaline resulting in sympathetic inhibition and increased vagal tone (). SCs have also been shown to suppress cough and bronchospasms through inhibition of the excitatory effects of noradrenaline in the airways, which may provide an explanation for respiratory depression through vagal transmission (). Additionally, other adverse effects have been seen with the use of SCs such as tachycardia, paranoia, acute kidney injury, seizures, nausea and vomiting, calls to poison control, and trips to the emergency room (). If peripheral CB1Rs also assist in the suppression of respirations, this may be the mechanism at which they are able to do so (). Yet, other studies have found protective benefits from selective CB1R activation in combination with morphine (). Since many phytocannabinoids, as well as mixed cannabinoid agonists, also show an affinity for the CB1R but do not induce respiratory depression (), understanding how CB1R activation drives respiratory depression is vital to ensuring safe consumption of these opioid adjuncts.

While SCs have shown respiratory depression through CB1R activation in prior studies, there has not been a clear delineation as to whether these effects are directly a cause of central or peripheral CB1R activation (). The CB1R mechanism of action is similar to the MOR to reduce the neuron’s ability to depolarize () and lends itself that selective, central CB1R activation could induce respiratory depression (). Furthermore, with only presynaptic CB1Rs, compared to MORs that are found on pre and postsynaptic terminals (), may explain why fatal respiratory depression has not been seen from central CB1R activation compared to MOR activation in this region. As with other potent cannabinoid agonists at the CB1R (), SCs activate the MAPK pathway, impacting cell transcription, translation, motility, shape, proliferation, and differentiation from the resulting phosphorylation of nuclear transcription factors, that if prolonged, can cause CB1R desensitization and internalization () Administration of the cannabinoid, WIN 55212-2, a mixed CB1R/CB2R agonist, in preclinical models has been shown to produce a depressed effect on respirations (). Following the inhibition of respiratory depression with the administration of SR-141716, a CB1R inverse agonist, it was concluded that the depressive effect was a CB1R mediated mechanism ().

Prior literature has shown that CB1R activation reduces airway contraction and cholinergic induced contractions, while still providing an improvement of static lung elastance and reduced collagen fiber content helping to keep the alveoli from collapsing (). However, other studies have postulated other mechanisms of the pulmonary pathways (). In a condition of capsaicin induced cough, the endogenous cannabinoid, AEA, inhibited the cough response as well as the associated bronchoconstriction, but when administered on its own induced bronchoconstriction (). These effects were only reversed following the administration of the CB1R inverse agonist, SR-141716, suggesting a CB1R mediated effect. It is worth noting that AEA has been shown to activate TRPV receptors, giving pause for speculation that these results were completely CB1R driven ().

In one study using intraesophageal HCl instillation to assess cannabinoid receptor inhibitory effects on the sensory nerve pathways involved in bronchoconstriction and airway microvascular leakage found administration of WIN 55212-2 (CB1/CB2 agonist) or JWH 133 (CB2R agonist) abolished all associated neurogenic inflammation (). These data support the prior literature that has found administration of the CB2R agonist, JWH 133, inhibits citric acid induced coughing () and main bronchi contraction induced by capsaicin in preclinical models (). These findings all suggest a role for the CB2R as a potential therapeutic for inflammatory respiratory conditions.

The SC, FUB-AMB, is reportedly over 80 times as potent at the CB1R as THC () in addition to a 9-13-fold greater affinity for the CB2R compared to CB1R (). FUB-AMB was reportedly involved in multiple mass casualties and “zombie outbreaks” from New York to New Zealand (). It is also possible that SCs have additional unknown receptor selectivity and binding affinity themselves, or by their metabolites () with non-cannabinoid receptors () setting the stage for an unpredictable experience. In addition to the unpredictability of the synthetic compound, the vehicle or carrier oil it is in can also have a variety of additional compounds as well. Everything from THC, cannabidiol (CBD), nicotine, caffeine, and tocopherol – a class of compounds containing vitamin E that was associated with multiple hospitalizations from vaping () – have been found in mixtures said to contain SCs. These adulterations with additional ingredients lead to misidentification of the substance being used by the consumer and increase the chances for unknown toxicities ().

4. Therapeutic targeting of the endocannabinoid system

Promise with cannabinoids as a therapeutic intervention for respiratory ailments has also been seen as recently as with the COVID-19 pandemic, although with some conflicting outcomes (). Recent publications have reported therapeutic cannabis has shown protective effects at preventing contracting COVID-19 (), the ease of COVID-19 symptom severity (), as well as increased susceptibility to COVID-19 infection and exacerbation of COVID-19 symptoms (). These contradicting results further highlight the importance and need of further research aimed at understanding all the ways in which cannabis and the EC system can be utilized therapeutically, and where possible cultivation manipulations stand to increase the safety of cannabis consumption through targeted manipulations in the cannabinoid makeup and profiles of cultivated cannabis.

Another potential mechanism for the treatment of a vast array of respiratory ailments comes from the role the central CB1R plays in O2 saturation and its impact on respiratory rate (). This means pharmacological manipulations to the respiratory system through altered endogenous cannabinoid availability may be plausible treatments for respiratory conditions that involve low levels of O2 saturation or irregular breathing patterns. Cannabinoid reuptake inhibitors are becoming another area of promise to increase endogenous cannabinoid concentrations by increasing the available upstream synthesizing enzymes available to produce the endogenous ligands (). While previous clinical trials found adverse effects from brain penetrant CB1R antagonists (), future drug development may hold the key to well tolerated central CB1R antagonists for use by humans (). Additionally, administration of synthetic cannabinoid agonists and antagonists offer a similar potential outcome for means of treatment of respiratory ailments.

Further research has begun to dive into the pharmacodynamics of cannabis terpenes and their analogs (). With over 500 independent compounds identified to exist within cannabis () and more than 700 cultivated varieties () that all offer a unique combination of cannabinoid compounds and concentrations. With some of the most common compounds, CBD, THC, and beta-caryophyllene to name a few, showing effects in conditions of pain or anxiety (), the full scope of outcomes and future therapeutics from specific poly-cannabinoid compositions are only beginning to be investigated. It will be important to continue investigations with these cannabinoids individually and in conjunction with other compounds, as some synergistic actions are found between some cannabinoids and other drugs, such as opioids, that allow for reductions in necessary dosing to achieve pain relief (). Our current understanding of these compounds is promising at possible future potential therapeutic targets able to influence the EC system, and other systems through physiological agonism/antagonism modulation, such as is seen with cannabinoid terpenes that can directly modulate cannabinoid receptor activity through actions on the receptors themselves or through off target influence, as seen with such activity at the TRP channels or on the adenosine system ().

Another potential area of promise is the interaction between the EC system and the opioid system. While the receptors of both systems are of the GPCR family and result in inhibition of neuronal activity (), there are some key differences that highlight a potential point of intervention to reduce the negative side effects of opioids, that include the escalating number of fatal overdoses seen with the current overdose epidemic. The most notable difference is the location of receptors, specifically within the pBc, where the location of receptors on the pre- and postsynaptic neuron can completely abolish the burstlet activity of the pBc CPG that reflexively controls breathing (), while CB1Rs are only found presynaptically, preventing complete inhibition of this vital respiratory nuclei (). Furthermore, microglial CB2Rs appear to have an ability to override some of this inhibition offering another point of intervention to prevent the fatal effects seen from over ingestion of opioids currently ().

The hyperpolarization of pBc neurons following MOR activation increases the extracellular K+ () and may sufficiently activate nearby microglia, switching from M0 to M1 phenotype. CB2R activation can facilitate the anti-inflammatory effects of microglia through downstream cascade events. The anti-inflammatory effects of CB2R activation are regulated through microglial polarization (switch from M1 to M2 microglia phenotype), demonstrating a switch from a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory state (). Use of THC in multiple sclerosis has been shown to increase TNF-α, congruent with an anti-inflammatory state (). In addition to the established modulatory role that microglia play in the pBc (), it is likely the activation of microglial CB2Rs is necessary for respiratory modulation and the physiological antagonism of MOR agonism in the pBc that would otherwise inhibit inspiration. Microglia are activated by opioid administration via toll-like4 and toll-like9 receptor agonism (). Activation of microglia initiates proinflammatory responses as a result (). Co-administration of CB2R agonists with opioids has shown to reduce opioid induced proinflammatory responses () and to be synergistic as pain therapeutics across acute, neuropathic, and complex pain states (). Thus, selective CB2R agonism mitigation of opioid-induced respiratory depression by inhibiting microglial activation () to resynchronize pBc neurons is plausible. Growing evidence suggests that glia-derived proinflammatory mediators enhance tolerance to the anti-nociceptive properties of MOR activation (). Antagonizing these pro-inflammatory mediators, such as IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α, attenuate the development of MOR induced tolerance as well as attenuation of opioid withdrawal induced hyperalgesia () and may be related to the explanation of downstream effects that allow for CB2R mitigation of opioid induced respiratory depression. Moreover, endogenous CB2R ligands could create a physiological antagonism to opioid induced desynchronization of pBc neurons ().

Recent publications have shown an opposing role of central versus peripheral CB1R activation, with coadministration of the peripherally restricted CB1R agonist, PrNMI, and morphine, morphine-induced respiratory depression was completely prevented, while administration of the brain penetrant CB1R agonist, AM356, alongside morphine enhanced the already seen respiratory depression (). Conversely, administration of the brain penetrant CB2R agonist, AM2301, in combination with morphine was also able to prevent morphine induced respiratory depression, while the peripherally restricted CB2R agonist, AM1710, was not (), supporting the CB2Rs ability to prevent respiratory depression to be completely mediated through central CB2Rs. In another study the administration of AM404, an EC reuptake inhibitor, in wild-type and CB1R KO mice uncovered the CB1R dependent manner of respiratory depression and arterial hypoxia, further supporting limitations of brain penetrant CB1R agonists and reuptake and hydrolysis inhibitors ().

5. Conclusion

In this review we explored the respiratory system in the context of central versus peripheral control and how the EC system is currently known to influence that control. Next, we reviewed the literature available on organic and synthetic cannabinoids effects on breathing and how that has shaped our understanding of the role the EC system has in respiratory homeostasis. Finally, we looked at some potential future therapeutic applications the EC system has to offer for treatment of respiratory diseases and a possible role in preventing future opioid overdose fatalities that result from respiratory arrest or persistent apnea.

It will be important to fully characterize the cell type and location within the central respiratory nuclei, as well as in the periphery if viable therapeutics are going to be developed. It will also be vital to understand dose response curves and off target binding affinity for other cannabinoid receptors, or even more selective agonists. Specifically in the case of the CB1R, as it appears to have opposed roles in the periphery and central nervous system. This means understanding the dosing of peripherally restricted CB1R agonists to ensure they do not cross the blood brain barrier will also be of high importance for public safety since central CB1R activation enhances respiratory depression instead of mitigating it when administered alongside opioids (). Additionally, with the similarities in the cannabinoid receptors, many ligands will spill over to bind the other cannabinoid receptor once the intended targets are all full or activate the other cannabinoid receptor in conditions of genetic deletions of the intended cannabinoid receptor (). This is what was seen with escalating doses of CB2R agonists administered alongside morphine. The CB2R agonist began to leak over and activate central CB1Rs at the same time, causing enhanced respiratory depression and abolishing the protective feature of central CB2R activation alongside morphine. The ability to mitigate morphine induced respiratory depression through CB2R activation appears to be mediated centrally, as these effects have not been shown through activation of peripherally restricted CB2R. Activation of CB2R plays an additional role in modulating the immune system through the release of anti-inflammatory factors. There may also be a role for immunosuppression as studies across several disease states have shown downstream effects of cannabinoid receptor activation to include induction of apoptosis, inhibition of cell proliferation, inhibition of cyto- and chemokine production, reduced cytokine activation, T cell proliferation, and induction of regulatory T lymphocytes. With the expansion of cannabis access, it is essential that investigations continue to uncover the underpinnings and mechanistic workings of the EC system, the impact cannabis, and exogenous cannabinoids have on these systems, and how some of these compounds can mitigate respiratory depression when combined with opioids.

Respiratory control is complex and begins in the brainstem without peripheral input (). The key regions are coordinated through a CPG, the pBc, a component of the ventral respiratory group that interacts with the dorsal respiratory group to synchronize burstlet activity and produce inspirations (). An additional rhythm generator: the retrotrapezoid nucleus ()/parafacial respiratory group drives active expiration during conditions of exercise or high CO2 (). Combined with the feedback information from the periphery: through carotid bodies, stretch of the diaphragm or intercostal muscles, chemo- and baroreceptors, lung tissue, immune cells, and the cranial nerves, our respiratory system can fine tune motor outputs that ensure we have the O2 necessary to survive and can expel the CO2 waste we produce. It is important that we understand all the ways we can treat and protect our respiratory system to ensure its ability to function for the duration of our lifetime. It is vital to public safety that we understand the effects these compounds have on lung tissue and function, as well as how our endogenous cannabinoids influence our respiratory behavior for future therapeutic discovery.

Author contributions

BW and AAR contributed equally to the writing and revisions and comments were provided by TV and TL-M funding. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.


This work was funded by R01DA056608 to TL-M and TV, Comprehensive Pain and Addiction Center, and Department of Pharmacology NIH/NIDA 1P30DA051355.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


pBc preBötzinger complex
CB1R cannabinoid receptor 1
CB2R cannabinoid receptor 2
SC synthetic cannabinoid
EC endocannabinoid
CNS central nervous system
CPG central pattern generator
NK1 neurokinin-1 receptor
MOR mu opioid receptor
NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate
DBX1 developing brain homeobox 1 receptor
PPARS peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors
K+ potassium
MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase
AEA anandamide
2-AG 2-arachidonoylglycerol
KO knockout
ERK1/2 extracellular signal-regulated kinases ½
O2 oxygen
CO2 carbon dioxide
PO2 partial oxygen
PCO2 partial carbon dioxide
THC tetrahydrocannabinol
CBD cannabidiol


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