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Identification of cannabinoid type 1 receptor in dog hair follicles.

By July 29, 2013No Comments

pm2Identification of cannabinoid type 1 receptor in dog hair follicles.


Sezione di Anatomia Veterinaria, Dipartimento di Scienze Biopatologiche ed Igiene delle Produzioni Animali e Alimentari, Perugia, Italy.


In veterinary medicine, there is an increasing interest in the study of the endo-cannabinoid system and the possible use of the cannabinoids for the treatment of several diseases. Cannabinoid receptors (CB) are widely distributed in human and laboratory animal tissues, justifying the involvement of the endo-cannabinoid system in a great number of metabolic ways. Since there are no data regarding cannabinoid receptors in hair follicles of domestic animals, we investigated the presence and localization of CB1 receptor in dog hair follicles. By using a goat anti-CB1 polyclonal antibody, we observed CB1 receptor in the proximal part of both primary and secondary hair follicles. Staining was localized in the inner root sheath cells. We suppose that the endo-cannabinoid system is involved in the molecular mechanisms regulating hair follicle activity in dog. The identification of CB1 receptor at the level of the inner root sheath may help in the understanding of hair follicle biology and the possibility that cannabinoid molecules could be considered as suitable therapeutic tools in dog.
Copyright © 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

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Figures and tables from this article:

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Fig. 1. Primary and secondary hair follicles in a longitudinal section. In the proximal portion, immunohistochemical staining for CB1 is evident (arrows); it pertains to the inner root sheath. The outer root sheath, the hair and the dermal papilla are negative. ORS, outer root sheath; DP, dermal papilla; PF, primary hair follicle; SF, secondary hair follicle. DAB staining. Scale bar = 100 μm.
Full-size image (46 K)
Fig. 2. Two hair follicles in a slightly oblique section. At the level of the bulb (B), a discrete population of cells expresses the cannabinoid receptor 1 (arrows) while the other cells of the matrix are negative. In the suprabulbar region (SB), immunostaining clearly evidenced the inner root sheath (arrowheads) situated between the hair (H) and the outer root sheath (ORS). VIP staining. Scale bar = 50 μm.
Full-size image (68 K)
Fig. 3. High power magnification of positive cells in the suprabulbar region (a) and the bulb (b). The cells show intense and clear cytoplasmic staining (a and b) and trichohyalin granules are evident (arrows) (a). VIP staining. Scale bar (a) = 10 μm; scale bar (b) = 20 μm.
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Identification of cannabinoid type 1 receptor in dog hair follicles

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