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Meet the 14-Year-Old Who Helped Legalize Medical Marijuana In NY [Documentary] | Elite Daily

Published on Jul 7, 2014

This past weekend, New York became the 23rd state in the US to legalize medical marijuana. Though Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the bill Saturday, it will be at least another 18 months before medical marijuana becomes available in New York for patients, something parents of children in need of the treatment fear.

Missy Miller is an Atlantic Beach resident and mother of two children, Oliver and Katy. Her 14-year-old son, Oliver, suffered a stroke in utero and as a result has a brain stem injury that causes him to have hundreds of seizures a day. Because certain strains of marijuana have received international attention for curbing seizures in children, Missy has devotedto the cause of fighting for the legalization of medical marijuana in New York.

Elite Daily met with Missy earlier this year to discuss her frustrations with the current New York political system, and her fear of losing her son. We’ve continued our discussions with her throughout her fight, all the way up to the big decision in Albany on June 19, and the official signing ceremony in New York City earlier this afternoon.

Parkinson’s Disease and Cannabis Oil

Rick Simpson Oil ~ The Alan Park Prostate Cancer Story

PSA from Coltyn Turner about Cannabis and Crohn’s Disease

Mara Gordon: Practical applications of cannabinoids and terpenes – #CannaCosta2015

Published on Oct 26, 2015

Mara Gordon, a caregiver in California who specializes in the production of high-quality cannabis extracts and developing precise dosing regimens for patients, described the results she is seeing with her patients.

You can see the full presentation at:…


Cristina Sánchez: Cannabinoids As Antitumoral Therapy – #CannaCosta2015

Published on Oct 26, 2015

Dr. Cristina Sánchez, a researcher from Spain, shared the amazing results she has observed in her research. Dr. Sánchez has primarily focused on how cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol can directly fight brain and breast cancer.

You can see the full presentation at:…


Mama Jo’s testimonial Nov 14

Cannabinoid Oil worked for Mama Jo,,,
The EndoCannabinoid System is implicated in all diseases and disorders. Why not flood it with cannabinoids to fight cancer or any diseases and disorders.

Published on Nov 10, 2014

Mama Jo’s detailed description of her remarkable recovery from stage 4 cancer in 5 months with the help of cannabis oil medicine. London Nov 14. 

Cannabinoids and brain cancer- ITV News

Published on Nov 14, 2014

via YouTube Capture

Mother of epileptic child asks why it is illegal to take medical marijuana in an edible form

By Jennifer Chevalier, CBC News Posted: Nov 19, 2014 10:24 PM ET Last Updated: Nov 19, 2014 10:24 PM ET cbc 1234

Mandy McKnight’s son Liam has a prescription for medical marijuana for his severe epilepsy. But she is breaking the law by giving it to him in the form of an extract. On…

Liam McKnight is six years old and suffers from severe epilepsy. He tried 10 anti-epileptic medications and a special diet before his mother got him a prescription for medical marijuana. 

“Since starting cannabis he has seen a 99 per cent reduction in his seizures, going from 60 plus seizures a day, to sometimes none or maybe one seizure a day,” Mandy McKnight says. Marijuana is believed to help control some forms of epilepsy.

But there’s a problem. 

McKnight is breaking the law by giving her son his marijuana in the form of an extract. Under the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations, which came into place on April 1 this year, only the dried form of marijuana that is smoked or vaporized is legal. 



Published on Jan 4, 2015

This video from Parents Coalition for Rescheduling Medical Cannabis (…), parents from across the country explain the benefits of medical cannabis for epilepsy that doesn’t respond to pharmaceutical medications and the need for rescheduling and legalization of medical marijuana.
copyright: Beth and Patrick Collins

Why I changed my mind about medicinal cannabis | Hugh Hempel | TEDxUniversityofNevada

Published on Feb 3, 2015

Hugh Hempel is a technology industry veteran turned health care entrepreneur. In this moving talk he discusses how medicinal cannabis has enriched the lives of his ailing 11 year-old daughters. This talk will challenge your views of medical marijuana.

Hugh Hempel is a technology industry veteran turned healthcare entrepreneur. During his 30-year career in high technology, Hugh has held numerous senior management positions in many innovative and pioneering technology companies.

As chief operating officer and co-founder of Hopelink, Hugh launched one of the first Healthcare Internet start-ups that matched cancer patients with online clinical trials. Prior to founding Hopelink, Hugh held a variety of positions at Netscape, the first successful consumer Web browser software company. As Director of Online Marketing and Director of Enterprise Sales and Marketing, Hugh worked with the team that helped make the Web a reality for millions of people worldwide.

Prior to joining Netscape, Hugh worked as Manager of Engineering and Science markets for Apple Computer. While at Apple, he helped define the Apple Newton Messagepad, Apple’s first handheld computer that was a revolution in personal computing.

Hugh also held the position of Director at Computervision, an early pioneer in Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) software used by companies around the world to develop automotive and aerospace products. Hugh’s first job in the technology industry was as a National Accounts Representative for IBM after graduating with a B.S. in Engineering Management from the University of Vermont.

In 2006, Hugh’s 10 year old identical twin daughters were diagnosed with a rare and fatal neurodegenerative disease called Niemann Pick Type C, often referred to as “Childhood Alzheimer’s.” Since that time, Hugh and his wife Chris have immersed themselves in science and medicine and discovered through their own research that a simple sugar compound called cyclodextrin could save their twins’ lives. As parents, they successfully filed applications with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and received permission to try this never before used treatment on their daughters.

The Hempel’s journey to develop cyclodextrin has made international headlines and was recently featured in The Wall Street Journal in a 10 chapter story entitled, “A Desperate Fight to Save Kids and Change Science,” as well as in a documentary called “Here. Us. Now.” More information can be found at and

In 2009, Hugh and his wife Chris became interested in Cannabidiol (CBD), one of at least 80 active cannabinoids identified in marijuana and hemp, as his twins suffer from intractable seizures as a result of their disease and experience up to a 100 seizures a week. Through extensive research, they learned that cannabinoid receptors are involved in a vast array of functions in the body, including helping to control brain and nerve activity (including memory and pain), energy metabolism, heart function, and the immune system. After realizing pharmaceutical grade cannabis products were unavailable for their daughters and other patients in Nevada, the Hempel’s decided to create a Nevada based “cannabusiness” focused on legally developing and distributing high-quality flowers, extracts and concentrates at competitive prices.

Hugh sits on the Board of Directors for The Global Genes Project, a leading rare and genetic disease non-profit advocacy organization based in California. He is a frequent speaker on a variety of healthcare topics including small clinical trial design, new drug discovery, and patient reported outcome systems for more efficient clinical research.

Hugh aims to create a large scale cannabis clinical research clearing house in an effort to better elucidate the potential benefits of this cannabis plant. Until such time as there are readily available quality cannabis medicinal products on the market, this goal is nearly impossible. The creation of a pharmaceutical quality cannabis supply network is the first step towards this larger goal of building knowledge about using cannabis to improve health.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Can Cannabis oil reduce cancerous tumors? – Newsnight

“…evidence suggests that cannabis oil can be used for serious illnesses. ”


Cannabis oil cures cancer-complete, start to finish.

It’s Time to Change The Conservative Cannabis Conversation

Angela Harris was diagnosed with lymphoma while pregnant with her sixth child and was given just months to live. Using natural remedies she has outlived her prognosis by 23 years. Today she advocates for cannabis and natural medicine in conservative communities.

Read the entire story here:…

Cannabis Oil Treatments Are Helping Children With Seizures

“Cannabis oil can save your child’s life. In some states, however, it can also land you in jail.”

Cannabis Oil Protocol in practice | Cannafest 2015

Panel discussion by Lumír Hanuš, Jindřich Bayer, Božidar Radišič, Marek Bachanski, Dorota Gudwniec a Huanito Luksetić at Cannafest 2015.

twin memes II

CannaVideos continued on Page #11 (TY) 😉 , FW

Weed Walking Weed GIF - Weed WalkingWeed Leaf’s a long CannaTramp