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Emily Sander – Lymphoma Cancer Survivor – Medical Marijuana Treatment
Medical Marijuana 411 YouTube Video

( interview with Emily Sander, student and lymphoma cancer survivor talks about how she utilized medical marijuana as a positive part of her treatment. Currently, lymphoma free, Emily talks about the benefits of medical marijuana as part of her treatment regimen. Emily had particular issues with nausea due to taking more than 7 different pain medications including: vicodin and oxycontin. A non drug user all of her life, Emily turned to the medicinal use of marijuana to counter the side effects of her nausea, headaches and chemotherapy treatments. Transcript follows:
I was lucky not to get too much nausea, I only got it occasionally which was good. But of course when I took my pain medication I was nauseous. Which was very silly. Oxy-contin Vicodine and any kind of medicines they give for pain which I went through 6 or 7 different ones that didnt make feel really sick and actually worked. That was a pain. But yeah, if I took the nausea medication so I could take my pain medication it gave me a headache. There were so many side effects for the medication I was trying to take to make me feel better. The medical marijuana was great cause I didnt have any of those side effects other than leaving me a little tired, which was great I didnt have to worry about insomnia! Which was becoming a problem, Id never had a problem sleeping in my entire life just lay there going what why cant I fall asleep. Helping me eat, helping me sleep, generally getting rid of anxiety from the general ordeal even though its over, you know, getting over and positive, its not the nicest thing to deal with. Especially at 20. I never really expected something like that to happen.

Osteogenesis Imperfecta patient Charlie, turns to medical marijuana

Osteogenesis Imperfecta patient Charlie, talks about how medical marijuana has improved his quality of life.

Transcript to follow:
My name is Charlie Burns. I have been a medical marijuana patient for about a year now. I was diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which is basically Latin for brittle bones. I have personally broken my legs 85 times now and have had about 25 different reconstructive surgeries. I always have pain in my joints and long bones in my legs and lower back. I’ve been on pretty much every painkiller and muscle relaxant that you can trough out there. I’ve been on Oxicodone, Oxicontin, Percocet, Valium, Dilaudid, Morphine, if it’s out there, I’ve tried it. They always make you feel really messed up though, real fuzzy in the head, can’t think clearly, I couldn’t function at work properly, so I just found that medical marijuana was a way better choice for me personally.

Joe – Medical Marijuana patient – pt1Medical Marijuana patient – pt1

Medical Marijuana patient, Joe, talks about how cannabis helps him deal with the chronic pain associated with the loss of one arm below the elbow when he was a child.
Transcript to follow:

Hi my name is Joe West. I’ve actually been using marijuana since I was about 11 years old due to self-medicating. But over the years, I moved overseas to Amsterdam and while I was living there, I broke my right shoulder. And at the time when I broke my right shoulder, they had me on liquid Codeine. Which at the time, didn’t really help. It didn’t help me relax with the pain. I was still dealing with the pain everyday. And I found when I smoked, I was at least able to relax, I was able to sleep even if I was in some kind of pain. It also helped me sleep at night, because I also suffer from not being able to sleep at night because of my pain from my broken shoulder plus my ghost hand, from my accident when I was a little kid. I feel the pain from that accident, the machine that cut off my arm, and so it’s a vicious cycle. When my shoulder starts hurting, it makes my ghost hand hurt, and it ratchets up the pain until I smoke myself a joint, and it helps me relax and distracts me from the pain and I don’t feel it as much. I don’t know if it’s a mind thing, but it definitely seems to help me in I’m able to deal with life better, and people on a one to one basis better, than if I am in pain. Then I’m usually angry, and really don’t like people, and don’t like being around them. And this helps me go out, relax, and try to deal with things a little bit better.

Joe – Medical Marijuana patient — pt2

Medical Marijuana patient, Joe, talks about how cannabis helps him deal with the chronic pain associated with the loss of one arm below the elbow when he was a child.
Transcript to follow:

I just recently found out that actually, supposedly there are medications to help you deal with phantom pains, I never heard about it before, but the thing that as I said, that I find that helps me deal with it is just, the edibles don’t help me as much, it’s actually more of the smoking high, and as I said, the best way I can describe it, it’s like the relaxing of my hand. Where it doesn’t feel tense, it doesn’t feel like it’s going into the machine, and when I get into pain like that, then I get irritable and I’m mad and as I’ve said, I’ve tried to self-medicate before and that doesn’t really help. And with the addictive qualities of pharmaceuticals now a days, I much prefer a more natural high than having to deal with my pain through vicodin, where I would have to be addicted the rest of my life. That’s the way I personally feel.

Medical Marijuana Patient Testimonial: Dillon Price

This testimonial was brought to you by CMMR – Coloradans for Medical Marijuana Regulation. To find out more information on medical marijuana regulation in Colorado, please visit:

Dillon Price is 15 years old and suffers from Lyme disease. From the onset of this disease, Dillon has lost 60 pounds and was unable to gain any weight or maintain his appetite through traditional medications. This has recently changed for Dillon thanks to medical marijuana. He has an appetite, almost no nauesa, and is now able to take any additional medications besides medical marijuana. The pain associated with Lyme disease has subsided and Dillon is able to lead the life a 15-year-old boy should be leading.

Colorado Medical Marijuana Patient Testimonial- Lonnie Trowbridge

Visit… for more medical marijuana patient stories. 420 reasons why medical cannabis should be legal. The goal is 420 videos, each telling their story of how medical marijuana was a necessity, how it changed their lives, how it saved them from prescription drugs.

Lonnie Trowbridge has undergone back surgery and has lived with pain for a while. He moved to Colorado from Texas where medical cannabis has not yet been legalized. Lonnie has tried many different drugs prescribed by his physician. His doctor told him that if they increased the strength of his medication any higher, it would kill him.

Medical marijuana has been a major life change for Lonnie. Medical Cannabis has provided the benefits that prescription drugs could not, without the health damaging side effects that seem to always be present with pharmaseutical drugs.

Illinois Medical Marijuana Testimonials

Visit… for more medical marijuana patient stories. 420 reasons why medical cannabis should be legal. The goal is 420 videos, each telling their story of how medical marijuana was a necessity, how it changed their lives, how it saved them from prescription drugs.

Medical marijuana patient Julie Falco has Multiple sclerosis. Prescription drugs and their side effects where causing her health to deteriorate.

Colorado Medical Marijuana Patient Testimonial- Ray Merriweather

Visit… for more medical marijuana patient stories. 420 reasons why medical cannabis should be legal. The goal is 420 videos, each telling their story of how medical marijuana was a necessity, how it changed their lives, how it saved them from prescription drugs.

Ray, a medical marijuana patent discusses why he needs medical cannabis. Ray has clasic MS, is partially disabled on his right side. There is no cure for this disease, no treatments.

Medical Marijuana and MS – National MS Society
MS Learn Online is the National MS Society’s online educational webcast series.

This video features a discussion with Allen Bowling, MD, PhD, who talks about marijuana and multiple sclerosis.

Dr. Donald Abrams Tells Us How Medical Marijuana Helps AIDS Patients – Pt 1

Transcription to follow:
There are patients able to overcome their nausea and vomiting from their chemotherapy and perhaps even be cured of these malignancies by using cannabis. But what really started me in my research was in my work with HIV AIDS patients. Again seeing them being eaten alive if you will by the AIDS wasting syndrome, which was a common sort of end of life phenomenon that we had before we discovered effective anti retroviral drugs and about the time Delta-9 THC was approved, thats the drug durnabinol or marinol, for treatment for this wasting syndrome in HIV patients. We began to hear from these patients that they actually preferred smoking the cannabis because of their ability to titrate the effect better than swallowing a pill. We know now that cannabis taken by mouth either as baked product or the medication Delta-9 THC has much different absorbs ion and kinetics. It takes a much longer time to reach a much lower peak and then it stays in the system for quite a while. Whereas when it is inhaled, either smoked or vaporized, the peak plasma concentration is actually reached in about 2 minutes and then falls over the next 30 minutes. So the effect happens more rapidly and perhaps dissipates more rapidly. When taken by mouth, the Delta-9 THC, then main psychoactive component is metabolized in the liver to a 11 hydroxy form that is also psychoactive. So when eaten as either a baked product or as the pill the Delta-9 THC creates this psychoactive metabolite that makes people have even more of a psychoactive effect that when it is smoked. And for many patients this is unpleasant. So in 1992 I was challenged, if I may, to study smoked marijuana in patients with the Aids wasting syndrome and to compare it to marinol or durabinol which had been just approved for that indication. And that began a bit of a sort of struggle with our government to be able to conduct a clinical trial. But ultimately after a number of years we did get a million dollars and 1400 government cannabis cigarettes to do a clinical trial. It wasnt any more in patients with the AIDS wasting syndrome, because by this time we had effective anti-retroviral drugs and that syndrome had disappeared. And with the national institute on drug abuse they have actually a congressional mandate that they can only study substances of abuse as substances of abuse. So they were never going to allow me or to give me marijuana to study as a possible therapeutic agent. The study I ultimately got funded for was to study whether or not it was safe. For patients with HIV on the new potent anti-retroviral regimes to use cannabis. Because there had been a report in the literature of a patient using ecstasy or MDMA and dying from an overdose of ecstasy when taken with these antiviral drugs. So the question I posed and the government allowed me investigate, was is it safe for patients on the anti-retroviral drugs to smoke cannabis or to take the cannabis pill while they were taking the protease inhibitors.

Dr. Donald Abrams Tells Us How Medical Marijuana Helps AIDS Patients – Pt 2

Transcription to follow:
So we did that study, and we showed that there was no damage to the level of the aids drug in the blood stream to the patients immune system or to the level of the virus in their blood stream over 21 days of smoking a government cigarette 3 times a day. And that led us then to move on and do other research looking to see if whether or not cannabis had any medicinal benefit for patients with HIV. Particularly we were fortunate in California when we had a budget surplus that one of our state senators established a center for medicinal cannabis research at the university of California. And that center worked out a deal with NIDA so that NIDA the only legal source of marijuana for research in the country would supply investigators who had been favorably peer reviewed by the University of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research to do clinical trials looking at the effectiveness of smoked marijuana. So I submitted a study to look at marijuana in patients with the painful HIV related peripheral neuropathy, which is the damage to the nerves in the hands and feet. For which we really didnt have any treatment. Opioid analgesics dont work well. We tried acupuncture. Most people use anti seizure medications. And these also could interact with the levels of the aids drugs. So we proposed a study to see if smoked cannabis could alleviate the pain of this peripheral neuropathy and ultimately we wound up doing a placebo-controlled trial where 25 patients smoked real cannabis from the government and 25 smoked cannabis that had the active ingredient had been extracted. And we showed the group that smoking the real cannabis had a decrease not only in their peripheral neuropathy pain in an experimental pain that we created in the patients by heating their skin to 104 degrees and then applying caparison cream on top of their skin. So that study funded by the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research actually was the one of the first modern studies to be done that showed in a randomized placebo control fashion that cannabis does have a medicinal use and that is for treatment of HIV related peripheral neuropathy. And when we looked at our results the effectiveness of cannabis in that situation is comparable to the effectiveness of the drug that is most commonly used the anti seizure medications. Now do I think the government will change cannabiss schedule 1 classification which means it has no accepted medical use, on the basis of a study of 25 patients smoking cannabis and 25 smoking placebo. No, I think I have been around long enough to know thats not gonna do it.

Dr. Donald Abrams on Medical Marijuana and Cancer

Transcription to follow:
I think another very exciting field about cannabis medicines, is the potential effect that cannabiniods and maybe some of the other components of the marijuana plant may have against cancer cells. Interestingly, although this work was initially being done the National Cancer Institute in the 1970s. It disappeared in the United States and most of this work is done in Spain and Italy. And many of my colleagues in those countries are very enthusiastic about the anti cancer activities of cannabiniods and how they work in many different places in the cancer cell cycle. To lead to arrest of cell division, cell migration and metastasis and cell invasiveness. So I think that there is a lot to be studied in this field too that is very exciting.

Dr. Donald Abrams Has High Hopes For the Future of Cannabis Therapeutics

Donald Abrams, M.D. explains he first learned how medical marijuana helped patients in various ways through many studies – dating back through the 90’s. Dr. Donald Abrams is the Chief of Hematology-Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital, as well as Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Transcript follows. Cannabis science is a huge field. I think that we have had somewhat of a moratorium on doing research on smoked marijuana as a medicine. There is this explosion in cannibiniod receptor, agonist, antagonist, endo-cannabinoids, manipulating the endo-cannabinoid system. But I think its very exciting, you know to think about all the potential therapeutics to come. As I have mentioned, I have sort of become a student of plants as medicine. Im in favor of cannabis as a medicine. Im a cancer doctor. Not a day goes by that I dont have to talk to a patient about medicine to increase their appetite, decrease their nausea, decrease their pain, help their sleep, and decrease their depression. Now instead of writing prescriptions for 5 different medicines that all have potential side effects, I can tell a patient you can take one medicine. In fact you can grow it yourself. For patients with cancer who fear that their life is coming to an end, working in a garden is a very productive, very stress reducing, and very empowering thing to do. So, you know I think the whole plant is pretty good medicine. Its hard to beat nature. YouTube Video

Cancer Patient Speaks Out About Medical Marijuana

After Joseph Casias was treated for life-threatening sinus cancer, no medicine could ease his pain until his oncologist suggested medical marijuana. Now that Joseph is using medical marijuana his pain is under control and he’s able to be a better father, husband. 
The ACLU supports the legalization of medical marijuana.

Robert – Medical Marijuana 411 – Medicinal Use of Marijuana – Appetite

Medical Marijuana 411 interview with Robert, medical marijuana user, who was prescribed marijuana edibles to counteract his weight loss problem due to lymphoma. Never a recreational drug user, Robert was prescribed Marinol which utilizes synthetic THC to help increase appetite. Transcript to follow: Ive never used use marijuana before or any recreational drugs. I thought marijuana was a recreational drug. I didnt know that it had any medicinal purposes at all you hear people talk about medical marijuana this or that. What are the benefits? I never knew until my doctor told me. My doctor told me I could increase my appetite that it would increase my ability to sleep, and my focus. So those are the primary reasons that I started using it. And along with that I saw my depression go away. I resumed interest in activities I did before, and just overall better disposition. YouTube Video

Medical Marijuana Patient Testimonial: Connie Cantrell

This testimonial was brought to you by CMMR – Coloradans for Medical Marijuana Regulation. To find out more information on medical marijuana regulation in Colorado, please visit:

Connie suffers from chronic pain due to a car accident, which tore the muscle in her upper left arm and having an 11 pound tumor removed from her torso. Not your typical medical marijuana patient, Connie is well past her mid-twenties and deals with constant pain every day. Medical marijuana has helped ease the tension and relax enough to get some sleep to make it through the following day.

Colorado Medical Marijuana Patient Testimonial: Janna Harrison

This testimonial was brought to you by CMMR – Coloradans for Medical Marijuana Regulation. To find out more information on medical marijuana regulation in Colorado, please visit:

Before Janna Hudson received her medical marijuana license in June 2009, severe digestive and neurological issues led to an ongoing struggle with extreme pain, hernias and muscle spasms. Lack of hunger and inability to swallow dropped her weight to a deadly 98 pounds. And a series of surgeries coupled with an allergy to opiates such as morphine, ibuprofen and codeine have compounded her struggle. Medical marijuana is all I have.” she said. Since using medical marijuana, Janna is able to eat and can enjoy a life free of the extreme pain she has dealt with since birth

Medical Marijuana Patient Testimonial: William Chengalis

This testimonial was brought to you by CMMR – Coloradans for Medical Marijuana Regulation. To find out more information on medical marijuana regulation in Colorado, please visit:

William Chengalis suffers from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), chronic pain in his hand from falling off a ladder, hepatitis C and bipolar disorder. The string of traditional medicines William maintained for the past five years were slowing working to destroy his liver. But now he has the option to use medical marijuana and piece by piece his life is returning to what it was prior to five year ago. Im not taking a narcotic and to me thats important, explains William.

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