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Warner Robins athlete C.J. Harris controls seizures with cannabis oil

“Warner Robins Demons, defensive back CJ Harris had more than a dozen seizures in his sophomore year. “He didn’t know when they’d happen and they started to get in the way of his sports and school work. Traditional medicine wasn’t working for him. Running out of options, he turned to cannabis oil.” “I started using it January of last year and I never had a seizure since,” he said. Zach Merchant, WMAZ Though it’s legal in the state of Georgia, Warner Robins State Representative Heath Clark used CJ’s case in comments at the state house Thursday. He’s urging the U.S. Congress to federally legalize medical marijuana. “It’s time for Congress to act, they need to stop sitting around on this issue. They need to stand up, and speak up for young men like CJ Harris,” said Representative Clark at the capital. And back home in Warner Robins, the Republican argued the change in federal law makes sense. “Marijuana is more illegal than cocaine,” said Clark. “Are you telling me that cocaine is less dangerous than marijuana?” CJ agrees that access to the drug needs to be expanded, but in his own life, with Auburn to look forward to, he says he’s “just thankful that everything worked out at the end.” And if Representative Clark has his way, there will be more following in CJ’s footsteps.”…

Father Treats Daughter’s Childhood Alzheimers w/Cannabis Oil

“Addii and Cassi Hempel’s Story by Father Hugh Hempel at TEDxUniversityofNevada A moving and revelatory talk on the impact of high CBD medicinal cannabis oil on the lives of Hugh Hempel and his family. His twin daughters suffer from Niemann Pick Type C, often referred to as “Childhood Alzheimer’s.” Since the 2006 diagnosis, Hugh and his wife Chris have been researching new methods of treatment for this rare and fatal neurodegenerative disease.”

Man Treats Multiple Sclerosis With medical Marijuana

Justin Loizos Treats Multiple Sclerosis With medical marijuana. See the effects of cannabis first hand, unedited, on Parkinsons tremor dyskinesia, and voice. This clip is from the feature documentary Ride with Larry and shows retired police captain. Greg uses marijuana for his disease Multiple Sclerosis and ataxia sufferer. The clip is taken from the documentary – The Union. Montel Williams and John Stossel discuss the medical efficacy of marijuana and the stance of the DEA. Other Sources: Montel Williams Starts Medical Cannabis Company for MS and Other Chronic.

Cannabis Changed This Autistic Toddler’s Life Forever

“Jonathan Jr | Patient Chronicles The story of Jonathan J; An autistic boy whose parents, Tavi & Jonathan, treat symptoms with cannabis oil. The remarkable true story of how two parents at wit’s end found the answer to their problems through CBD.”

UC San Diego Doctor Uses Cannabis To Treat Pain

Some recent research from UC San Diego finds cannabis can be useful in treating chronic pain and weaning people off of opioids. But doctors are running into barriers when it comes to advancing that research. Kpbs’ Jade Hindmon has more. Read more:…

Veterans Fighting To Smoke Weed For PTSD (HBO)

Illegally Alive (2017) Full Movie | Official Release

“Illegally Alive” is a documentary that follows the journey of several families with children who are suffering from debilitating or life-threatening illnesses. Having sacrificed everything, families are migrating to Colorado in search of a cure.


Australia: The Truth About Medical Cannabis

CBD Oil Stopping A Child’s Epilepsy With Seconds OF Using It

This is how fast cannabis oil stops a seizure.

“We moved to Maine so we could legally make the only medicine that controls and stops our son Stefan’s seizures. (The alarm you hear halfway through the video is his seizure monitor) Stefan uses CBD twice a day, but this particular oil is THC I’m rubbing into his gums.”

– Peter Starostecki

Cannabis is curing my cancer and now I want it Legalised

“Joy Smith was diagnosed in July 2016 with ovarian cancer. In August 2017 she was given six weeks to live after it was discovered that the cancer has spread to her stomach and bowel. But now she’s in remission and claims cannabis oil cured her terminal disease.”

Meet Delaware Teen Who Takes Cannabis Oil to Stop Tumors

Rylie Maedler, 13, takes cannabis oil once in the morning, during lunch, at dinner and before bed. The Delaware teen has been taking it since she was 7 after being diagnosed with aggressive giant cell granuloma, a rare type of tumor. Rylie’s now made it her mission to help other sick kids get the medicine they need. She’s already helped pass three laws in her home state.’s Leigh Scheps ( has more.

Overcoming PTSD with Cannabis – Veterans’ testimonials

We compiled a variety of cannabis and CBD for PTSD testimonial videos by military servicemen. PTSD is a serious affliction of many people, especially military personnel and soldiers. These videos describe their post-traumatic stress disorder and how it has been affected by Cannabis and CBD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is not a joke. Watch it closely and give us your sincere opinion! If you enjoyed the video, please leave a like and Subscribe to our youtube channel!

Paul Hartman’s Cannabis Oil Story


A Life-Changing Study

CTV’s Joanne Schnurr on a small study with big results. The effects of cannabis oil and kids with severe epilepsy.

Cannabis Therapy Testimonial

Cannabis Patient Testimonial

“Listen to how cannabis therapy has helped a patient give up the opioids, sleep better, and start enjoying life in just a small matter of time.”

Cannabis For Severe Pain Testimonial

Ed had severe, intractable facial pain for nearly ten years and tried every manner of conventional medical and surgical therapy. All that failed. Although cannabis therapy gave him immediate relief, the psychoactive properties of THC were difficult to tolerate during the day. It took nearly a year of trying different CBD:THC ratios and different administration methods to come up with a treatment protocol that provided complete pain relief around the clock with zero side effects. He uses a 12:1 topical cream during the day and 1:1 tincture and vape at night. His current treatment is life changing. He nearly started crying with gratitude when telling his story.

Cannabis to Save My Life – True Story Documentary Channel

Marijuana as a cancer fighting drug? Science says yes, federal law says no. Patricia Crone is caught in the life-and-death stand-off. Patricia Crone, a professor of Islamic history at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, was diagnosed with lung cancer in November 2011, when the cancer had already spread to her brain. She was busy preparing for the end when she saw that the National Cancer Institute described some of the chemicals in marijuana, or cannabis, as having cancer-fighting potential. With only grim prospects for the future, she wanted to try it. So Patricia, who had never had as much as a puff of pot, started a hunt for marijuana, and for credible evidence of its medicinal potential. I, Diana C. Frank, Patricia’s sister and a documentary filmmaker, accompanied her all the way, and early on we decided to film the whole odyssey. Twenty-three states allow medical marijuana and four states and the District of Columbia have voted to legalize, but federal law still considers cannabis without medical value and puts it in the same category as heroin. It is a crime to possess it. Because Patricia needed a pound, she risked felony charges. The clash between science and the law made Patricia’s journey hazardous. but she acquired enough marijuana to start her very own human trial. Over a year Patricia and I traveled everywhere, from university science labs, to a grower in Oregon to actual consultations with her doctors, and get through tense moments as she awaited the results of her brain scans. Forging ahead in a world of hope, obstacles, fear, and contradictions, she rarely lost courage and never her sense of humor. But do the risks she takes prolong her life?


twin memes II


Weed Walking Weed GIF - Weed WalkingWeed Leaf GIFs..It’s a long CannaTramp

CannaVideos continued on page#13 (TY) 😉 , FW