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Law Enforcement Against Prohibition – Canada on Facebook

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I’m Jason Baker founder and breeder of Next Generation Seed Company. Most people in the cannabis world know me as Jay Generation or Romulan Jay.

I am happy to be celebrating the 20th anniversary of NGSC. Through-out the years a lot of strains have come and gone, laws have come and gone, but the genetics keep getting better! It was 1997 when I started NGSC in Vancouver BC Canada. My work previous to that was as co-founder of Federation Seed Company. Since then alot has changed.

For my first decade of breeding I was primarly focused on strains from British Columbia and western Canada. In those years, I bred in the traditional manner and only produced regular seeds. Our strains became a trusted source in the BC medicinal marijuana community. Several BC cannabis cups were won, and in 2009 Next Generation Seed Company was inducted into the “High Times Magazine, Hall of Fame”. Jorge Cervantes’s first grow videos also featured many of our gardens.

In 2008 NGSC moved to Europe and spent nearly 9 years in Holland and Spain continuing to breed with our Canadian genetics. The time spent in Europe taught us how to produce feminized and autoflower seeds, but more importantly introduced great new genetics. These travels have been a great education/opportunity as a plant breeder to see how our strains performed in different climates/latitudes. In the past 20 years we have heard alot of feedback from people all around the world. This experience makes us very qualified to recommond a strain thats right for you and for your growing environment.

2017 not only marks 20 years in the cannabis breeding industry, but also our return to Canada!
Cannagratulations on 20 years!!, Freedom Wares 🙂

Cannabis leaf isolated on white background

With help from Jindřich Bayer, Rick Simpson’s first eBook, ‘The Rick Simpson Story’, was published. It detailed the history of how Rick discovered cannabis could cure cancer and many incredible events that followed soon after. 

ricks 2nd ebook

It was just a matter of time afterwards that Jindřich would write Rick Simpson’s second eBook; ‘Nature’s Answer to Cancer’, to be later found on  

—>Nature’s Answer For Cancer<— 

The e-book Phoenix Tears, Rick Simpson Oil, Nature’s Answer For Cancer is a summary of information that is currently available about the use of cannabis/hemp oil as medicine. It includes detailed information about how to produce and use the Rick Simpson Oil in the treatment of practically all illnesses. It also includes a special chapter Cannabis in the Political World by Max Igan and a comprehensive interview about the many uses of the oil, written by Jindřich Bayer. Everyone who considers using cannabis/hemp extracts as medicine should read this e-book. The term “Rick Simpson Oil” refers to extremely potent and sedative purified decarboxylated cannabis resin with 95-98% THC. This substance can be used with great success to cure, treat or control cancer, pain, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, infections, inflammations, blood pressure, depressions, sleeping problems etc. Read more about how to produce and use this oil properly in the e-book. Quote from the e-book: “How did you come to discover how to cure cancer and many other illnesses with hemp? “I consider myself just one of many who have found a way to cure cancer and I certainly was not the first one to produce an essential oil from the hemp plant. A radio broadcast told me that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) kills cancer cells way back in the 1970s, so I do not claim that it was me who found the cure.

Still, it does appear that I am the first to supply this medication to vast numbers of patients to treat their cancers and other conditions in a more effective and sensible way.In addition, I continued to report my findings openly to the general public after the government and all they control turned their backs on this issue. Since this plant has been used in medicine for thousands of years, I really do not think that anyone can make the claim that they alone discovered its true medical values. The only thing that I can really claim is that I discovered the proper way to produce and use this substance and I developed and published a protocol to make it more simple for patients to enjoy its use. As often as I could, I provided the medicine free of charge and I openly reported my findings to anyone who would listen, expecting that sooner or later someone would do something about it.”

Click image to directly visit and download your copy today!

Next, CURE FOR CANCER – The Rick Simpson Protocol was published…

“The standard treatment to reset your body to a good state of health is 60 grams of high-quality oil ingested in a three-month period. For those who have taken chemo and radiation, it is a good idea to ingest 120 to 180 grams of the oil as soon as possible.” This is the Rick Simpson protocol.

“What good is modern medicine and technology when it doesn’t work? If you want to see results, give Rick’s method of healing a try.” – Jindřich Bayer


Download your copies of CURE FOR CANCER – The Rick Simpson Protocol and RSO/JBO Stories today, here

Jindrich’s most recent publication, ‘RSO/JBO Stories’, was written as a follow-up to ‘CURE FOR CANCER (The Rick Simpson Protocol).‘RSO/JBO Stories’ contains over 380 pages of tips, tricks, procedures, testimonials, questions and answers. ‘RSO/JBO Stories’ and ‘CURE FOR CANCER (The Rick Simpson Protocol) are both available for free to download at, but please consider making a donation to assist further in getting proper translations done and to help as many people as possible.

Already over 100 languages available in both PDF and EPUB formats for electronic book devices!

Check-out the English versions of ‘CURE FOR CANCER’ and ‘RSO/JBO Stories’ on audiobook, which are both available to listen to or download while visiting .

Click image to directly visit and download your copy today!


Jury Nullification, ..Google it.

Freedom Loves Georgia Toons … 🙂

GT Freedom

GT Medicine site Welcome to GeorgiaToons. Out of my mind and on paper!.  “Hello! Welcome!  My name is Georgia and this is my website. I am a published cartoonist – doing what I LOVE most! Drawing!…” ” I hope you enjoy my work. I pray I get you thinking, especially when it comes to Medicinal Cannabis, possibly inspire and mostly make you smile!!!All my cartoons are based on true life, inspired by everyday.”

~Georgia Toons

Georgia Toons cartoonist @ Click to “Like” Georgia’s page on facebook o’er ere  —> @Georgia Toons(fb)  😉fw

The Silver Tour Header siteThe Silver Tour is an accredited 501(c)(3) non-profit working to educate seniors on the benefits of medical marijuana. 

 should grandma smoke

Should Grandma Smoke Pot? Final Cut – Legalize Marijuana

“…Called by one media critic, “Genius”. Produced by famous smuggler, author/activist Robert Platshorn and the award winning film maker Walter J. Collins. This made for TV version of Roberts Silver Tour stuns viewers with medical and legal facts long kept from the public. Robert’s tour teaching seniors the benefits of medical marijuana have drawn world wide praise for all branches of the media. Front page in the Wall St Journal, featured on CNN Money, praised by News Week’s Daily Beast and coming soon to The Daily Show!

Robert has committed his time to legalizing marijuana! After spending 30 years in jail – the longest prison time in the history of the US for a non-voilent crime Robert is 100% committed to legalizing marijuana in his lifetime. Please show your support by becoming a member at Your membership will help Robert educate folks on National Telvision to Legalize Marijuana.”

The Silver Tour can also be found & “Liked” on facebook, clicking the link provided here@—>The Silver Tour (Teaching Seniors the Benefits of Medical Marijuana)   🙂

The-Human-Solution ~Solidarity Ribbon

Hand made by patients with “love and aggression,” These symbols of solidarity with all Pow’s of the “War on Drugs” especially those attacked for possessing, growing, or distributing cannabis. Every time we pack the courtroom, our ribbons have an impact and always in the defendant’s favor. Show your support in the courtroom or public meeting or just walking around. Start the conversation, take the stand, be the solution!


So for now, we wear the ribbons.  Proudly, defiantly, and in Solidarity! THSI Site Growing Solidarity

Click—> The Human Solution International here  to “Like” them on Facebook

 Join us for A Cup Of Joe

We present different points of view about the problems and solutions surrounding prohibition and civil rights.

We focus on civil-rights and YOUR freedom and liberty.

..find out what YOU can do to help The Human Solution International accomplish our mission of ending cannabis prohibition to ensure civil and basic human rights.

Every Wednesday from 5:00- 7:00 pm PST

Listen via this link to A Cup of Joe or Call in to speak with the host or to listen (646) 929-2495

“Original Swiss Cannabis Ice Tea”
The first and only ice tea in the world that makes happy!

Made with Swiss hempflower-syrup, Swiss hempflower-extract and green and black-tea-extract. Join CHRONIC ICE on Facebook!

Jack Herer site final

 Jack Here you will find information about Jack Herer, maintained by Jeannie Herer This website is used as a resource to keep you informed about Cannabis Hemp and the relevance it plays in our culture.

Dr. Robert Melamede, Ph.D.  – Cannabis Science President Emeritus Dr. Melamede has a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from the City University of New York. He retired as Chairman of the Biology Department at University of Colorado, Colorado Springs in 2005, where he continues to teach. Dr. Melamede is recognized as a leading authority on the therapeutic uses of cannabinoids, and has authored or co-authored dozens of papers on a wide variety of scientific subjects. Dr. Melamede also serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of Americans for Safe Access, the Unconventional Foundation for Autism, The World Aids Institute, Board Tim Brown Foundation (The Berlin Patient), Phoenix Tears Foundation, and regularly consults with professional and lay persons around the world regarding cannabis and health issues. He also served as a director of Newellink Inc, a Colorado-based company specializing in cancer research.

Sacred Cow Productions , site

Overgrow The Planet!

Perhaps the simplest solution is the most visible?

“Cannabis was “legalized” the second they wrote the first statute which made it “illegal.” It’s been 100% “legalized” ever since.

What most people meant to say was that prohibition should be REPEALED. Of course, since nobody ever looks up the meaning of words any more, they think that “decriminalization” or “legalize” or “re-legalize” or “tax and regulate” or “regulate like _____” mean “it’s free again.”

EVERYTHING that people have been begging for hasn’t resulted in the FREEING of the plant, or your ability to access, possess, or grow it yourself…and yet, the one word that DOES represent what everyone “believes they have been saying” is the one word they REFUSE to say…while wondering why every effort to regain their freedoms fail…

re·peal [ri-peel] Show IPA verb (used with object)

1. to revoke or withdraw formally or officially: to repeal a grant. 2. to revoke or annul (a law, tax, duty, etc.) by express legislative enactment; abrogate.


3. the act of repealing; revocation; abrogation.



1275–1325; Middle English repelen < Anglo-French repeler, equivalent to re- re- + ( a ) peler to appeal

A repeal is the removal or reversal of a law. There are two basic types of repeal, a repeal with re-enactment (or replacement) of the repealed law, or a repeal without replacement. The motion to rescind, repeal, or annul is used in parliamentary procedure to cancel or countermand an action or order previously adopted by the assembly. Removal of secondary legislation is normally referred to as revocation rather than repeal in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Under the common law of England and Wales, the effect of repealing a statute was “to obliterate it completely from the records of Parliament as though it had never been passed.”[1] This, however, is now subject to savings provisions within the Interpretation Act 1978.

So now that you’ve FINALLY actually read the definition of the word that DOES represent what you “believe you were saying” since the 60’s…NOW does it make a tiny bit more sense why ALL EFFORTS HAVE FAILED to restore our freedoms so far?

It’s time we REPEALED prohibition. For everyone. Everywhere.

“More of the same” isn’t working. It never did. It never will.

IT CAN’T…because it was never DESIGNED to.

Not “decriminalization.” Not “legalization.” Not “tax and regulate.” Not “regulate like _______.” Not “government controlled.” Not “corporate monopoly controlled.” Not even “for approved and specifically licensed medicinal use only.”

ALL of those are just different forms of “specifically delineated” PROHIBITION.

If you want it over, you have to REPEAL it.

Unless you really WANT “more of the same?”

--->Overgrow The Planet<---


Weed Walking Weed GIF - Weed WalkingWeed Leaf’s a long CannaTramp