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Canna~Fangled Abstracts

Plastid development in disc cells of glandular trichomes of Cannabis (Cannabaceae).

By July 22, 2013No Comments

pm1Plastid development in disc cells of glandular trichomes of Cannabis (Cannabaceae).


Department of Biology, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea.


Plastids in lipophilic glandular trichomes of chemically fixed (CF) and high pressure cryofixed-cryosubstituted (HPC-CS) bracteal tissues of Cannabis were examined by transmission electron microscopy. In CF preparations, plastids in disc cells prior to secretory cavity formation possessed several lobed and dilated thylakoid-like features. In glands with secretory cavities, thylakoid-like features aggregated to form reticulate bodies that distended regions of the elongated plastids. Electron-gray inclusions evident on the plastid surface appeared continuous with the reticulate body. Inclusions of similar electron density also appeared in the cell cytoplasm, along the plasma membrane, between the plasma membrane and cell wall facing the cavity, and in the secretory cavity in both CF and HPC-CS preparations. The bilayer structure of membranes of the plastid envelope was evident in HPC-CS but not in CF preparations. In HPC-CS preparations, secretions were evident on the plastid surface and were continuous with those in the plastid through pores in the envelope. This study supports an interpretation that these specialized plastids, lipoplasts, synthesize secretions that are transported through the plasma membrane and cell wall to subsequently accumulate in the secretory cavity.

[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]