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Canna~Fangled Abstracts

The Genomics of Cannabis and Its Close Relatives.

By March 10, 2020March 11th, 2020No Comments
2020 Mar 10. doi: 10.1146/annurev-arplant-081519-040203.
[Online ahead of print]


Cannabis sativa L. is an important yet controversial plant with a long history of recreational, medicinal, industrial, and agricultural use, and together with its sister genus Humulus, it represents a group of plants with a myriad of academic, agricultural, pharmaceutical, industrial, and social interests. We have performed a meta-analysis of pooled published genomics data, and we present a comprehensive literature review on the evolutionary history of Cannabis and Humulus, including medicinal and industrial applications. We demonstrate that current Cannabis genome assemblies are incomplete, with ∼10% missing, 10-25% unmapped, and 45S and 5S ribosomal DNA clusters as well as centromeres/satellite sequences not represented. These assemblies are also ordered at a low resolution, and their consensus quality clouds the accurate annotation of complete, partial, and pseudogenized gene copies. Considering the importance of genomics in the development of any crop, this analysis underlines the need for a coordinated effort to quantify the genetic and biochemical diversity of this species. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Volume 71 is April 20, 2020. Please see for revised estimates.

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