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Canna~Fangled Abstracts

Call to Action for Enhanced Equity and Inclusion in Cannabis Research

By April 15, 2021April 28th, 2021No Comments

doi: 10.1089/can.2020.0149. eCollection 2021 Apr.



Introduction: Policies regarding cannabis use are rapidly evolving in the United States as exemplified by the legalization of recreational use in 11 states and the District of Columbia. Previous cannabis-related laws, however, disproportionately targeted communities of color before legalization, and many argue new policies are not being developed with the input of minority stakeholders postlegalization. Given that biomedical research has also historically underrepresented communities of color, there is an obligation on the part of researchers now to actively work toward improving equity in cannabis research at a time when the field is rapidly expanding. This is particularly important for research concerning therapeutic uses of cannabis and risk liabilities.

Objective: This article is a call to action to improve equity and inclusion in cannabis research design and practice. Specifically, it includes three recommendations focusing on (1) inclusiveness of recruitment, (2) improve demographic reporting in articles, and (3) strengthening publication requirements.

Conclusion: These efforts will enhance the shared values and ethics of our field and improve the quality and validity of our research findings moving forward.


Keywords: cannabis, equity, marijuana, research methods, underrepresented groups

Conflict of interest statement

No competing financial interests exist.

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