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Canna~Fangled Abstracts

Emerging trends in genomic and epigenomic regulation of plant specialised metabolism

By September 7, 2022September 12th, 2022No Comments


doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2022.113427.

Online ahead of print.


Regulation of specialised metabolism genes is multilayered and complex, influenced by an array of genomic, epigenetic and epigenomic mechanisms. Here, we review the most recent knowledge in this field, drawing from discoveries in several plant species. Our aim is to improve understanding of how plant genome structure and function influence specialised metabolism. We also highlight key areas for future exploration. Gene regulatory mechanisms influencing specialised metabolism include gene duplication and neo-functionalization, conservation of operon-like clusters of specialised metabolism genes, local chromatin modifications, and the organisation of higher order chromatin structures within the nucleus. Genomic and epigenomic research to-date in the discipline have focused on a relatively small number of plant species, primarily at whole organ or tissue level. This is largely due to the technical demands of the experimental methods needed. However, a high degree of cell-type specificity of function exists in specialised metabolism, driven by similarly specific gene regulation. In this review we focus on the genomic characteristics of genes that are found in different types of clusters within the genome. We propose that acquisition of cell-resolution epigenomic datasets in emerging models, such as the glandular trichomes of Cannabis sativa, will yield important advances. Data such as chromatin accessibility and histone modification profiles can pinpoint which regulatory sequences are active in individual cell types and at specific times in development. These could provide fundamental biological insight as well as novel targets for genetic engineering and crop improvement.

Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana, Artemisia annua, Asteraceae, Benzylisoquinoline alkaloid, Brassicaceae, Cannabaceae, Cannabinoids, Cannabis sativa, DNA methylation, Epigenetics, Histone modification, Papaver somniferum, Papaveraceae, Plant genome organisation, Terpenoids

Conflict of interest statement

Declaration of competing interest The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Mathew G Lewsey reports financial support was provided by Cann Group Limited. Mathew G Lewsey reports a relationship with Palla Pharma that includes: funding grants.

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