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Call-out for Help With Christian Laurette's indiegogo Fundraiser for the RFTC sequel…RUN FROM THE CURE 2

By July 15, 2013No Comments

164223_349902678444885_325575595_n…Up & Coming soon from the Producer/Director of RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story…

However, Christian Laurette and crew will require help in sharing this information and spreading the good word while raising funds to make us all the best possible sequel…

Please. If you are able to help with any funding for RUN FROM THE CURE 2, click the indiegogo link provided above here.

~Thank You

(The movie shown ^ above ^ is RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story – A Film by Christian Laurette. The original independent film that started a global shift in the way we view cancer medicine.)


Project Summary

Hi. My name is Christian Laurette. I am the Producer/Director of RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story, the FREE Internet documentary that shows you how to rid your body of diseases and illnesses such as cancers and many many others, while avoiding the dangers of cancer-causing treatments like chemotherapy and radiations… using only ingested, vapourized, and/or topical applications of cannabis oil medicine.
The campaign to raise this funding is crucial to my producing the film to its full potential, complete with science gurus and healed patients… we’ll explore how cannabis kills cancers and restores normal body functions from diseased states of being, and we’ll look at why our world governments and cancer societies have ignored their own research in favor of eliminating the most medicinal plant on earth from medicine.
The implications of such a healing plant reach all the way around the world. The list of healing applications of cannabis oil for disease seems to grow by the day. Please help me plant a seed that will grow forever on the World Wide Web. Help me to help the next mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, grandchild, nephew, aunt, uncle, coworker, friend… to live on and tell their true stories of survival using this miracle plant extract.
“Cannabis isn’t illegal because it makes you high… it is illegal because it makes you well.” ~Christian Laurette

What I Need & What You Get

Funds received will be used to purchase a primary documentary camera and two lights, as well as air-travel and accommodation expenses for the purposes of meeting patients and filming the project within North America. RUN FROM THE CURE 2 intends to feature very special guests Rick Simpson (current figurehead of the global cannabis movement), Corrie Yelland, David Triplett, Janet Sweeney, PhD., and Dr. Bob Melamede, PhD. to name a few! No individuals will be compensated for their involvement in the production in any way whatsoever. Also, you will be helping to get the movie out for free to potentially millions of viewers… many who desperately need this information presented to them in an easy to understand format. Part 2 will also explain and show in detail a NEW process for making cannabis oil safely.
I have various exciting PERKS! available for donators! Be sure to check out what your donation gets you (other than that “warm feeling” that comes from doing something great for the world.) Shipped incentive PERKS! can only be sent within the US.
If the full funding amount requested cannot be raised the funds that are collected will be used to produce the film in any regard. RUN FROM THE CURE 2 will be produced. Your donation will allow me to give it the film the momentum it needs to reach those who need it most and to include key players in this movement.

The Impact

It is estimated that RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story – A Film by Christian Laurette has been viewed by several million people to date and continues to be viewed in the millions as the word spreads of the truth about the healing power of cannabis oil medicine, which has allowed literally thousands of people to heal themselves and/or continue to live their lives using medicine made with a plant after in many cases being turned away by the current medical establishment.
The HIGHLY anticipated follow-up film to the cult classic documentary RUN FROM THE CURE.

Other Ways You Can Help

Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean that YOU can’t help in other ways!
Help me get the word out and make some noise about this campaign and about cannabis medicine. My first documentary RUN FROM THE CURE is 100% free to copy and give to other people for FREE. It is always free to watch online at any time. Please give in any way you can to help this worthwhile endeavor become a reality one more time! A chance to be part of cannabis history! A chance to make a difference that matters!
Please remember to use the Indiegogo share tools! Along with your donation, I can defy the system once again to ignore this all-important infomation while educating the masses one more time.

Best of health and happiness to you all. Thank you for your generous support. – Christian Laurette
Fundraiser for RUN FROM THE CURE 2 is endorsed by Rick Simpson and Phoenix Tears.
Additional promotion and fundraising for the film may be required at a later date.
I do not sell, nor do I produce cannabis oil. I am a documentary film producer with a unique opportunity to educate the world about cannabis medicine.

Special thanks “2” my Executive Producers, Janet Sweeney, and Timothy Tipton for all their hard work and dedication “2” the project.


In addition,..

Thank You Very Much to all of the amazing and wonderful folks involved at each and every level here.

 In Solidarity

~Freedom Wares  ;-)’

prisoner of the prohibition better font