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Canna~Fangled Abstracts

Cannabinoids in the treatment of cancer.

By November 18, 2009No Comments
2009 Nov 18;285(1):6-12. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2009.04.005. Epub 2009 May 12.

Cannabinoids in the treatment of cancer.


pm1Cannabinoids, the active components of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa, along with their endogenous counterparts and synthetic derivatives, have elicited anti-cancer effects in many different in vitro and in vivo models of cancer. While the various cannabinoids have been examined in a variety of cancer models, recent studies have focused on the role of cannabinoid receptor agonists (both CB(1) and CB(2)) in the treatment of estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer. This review will summarize the anti-cancer properties of the cannabinoids, discuss their potential mechanisms of action, as well as explore controversies surrounding the results.