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Canna~Fangled Abstracts

Cannabis Roots: Therapeutic, Biotechnological and Environmental Aspects

By January 22, 2024No Comments

doi: 10.1089/can.2023.0168.

Online ahead of print.


Since the legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada in 2018, the number of licenses for this crop has increased significantly, resulting in an increase in waste generated. Nevertheless, cannabis roots were once used for their therapeutic properties, indicating that they could be valued today rather than dismissed. This review will focus on both traditional therapeutic aspects and potential use of roots in modern medicine while detailing the main studies on active phytomolecules found in cannabis roots. The environmental impact of cannabis cultivation and current knowledge of the root-associated microbiome are also presented as well as their potential applications in biotechnology and phytoremediation. Thus, several high added-value applications of cannabis roots resulting from scientific advances in recent years can be considered to remove them from discarded residues.

Keywords: biotechnology, cannabis roots, hemp, phytomolecules, phytoremediation, specialized metabolism

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