Canna~Fangled Abstracts

Complementary Therapies in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

By October 18, 2016No Comments
2016 Dec;18(12):62.


pm-2-site-207Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) often take a chronic debilitating course. Given the chronicity of IBD, the limitations of the available medications, their potential side effects, and the impact of the disease on patients’ quality of life, it is not surprising IBD patients are ranked among the highest users of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Since CAM has become very popular in real-life practice of Western Communities, caregivers must gain more knowledge about these therapies, their mechanism of action, benefits, and risks. This article reviews and discusses up-to-date scientific and clinical data regarding the most prevalent herbal CAM therapies.


CAM; Cannabis; Complementary and alternative medicine; Crohn’s disease; Curcumin; Herbal medicine; Ulcerative colitis

PMID: 27747459


DOI: 10.1007/s11894-016-0537-6
[PubMed – in process]

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