Canna~Fangled Abstracts

Effect of malting on nutritional and antioxidant properties of the seeds of two industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivars

By November 23, 2021No Comments
 . 2022 Feb 15;370:131348.

doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.131348. Epub 2021 Oct 7.



The impact of malting on antioxidant, nutritional, and antinutritional features of two industrial hemp cultivars was investigated. The seeds were steeped (5 h; RT), germinated (3-days; 24 °C), and kilned at different temperatures (6 h; 50 °C or 70 °C). The following determinations were performed on malted and unmalted samples: total phenolic content, polyphenol profile, total antioxidant capacity, tocopherol composition, proximate analysis, fatty acids profile, trypsin inhibitors and phytate content. The results showed that malting increased the protein content up to 9%, without affecting the fat amount, and the fatty acids profile. Total phenolic content, tocopherol profile and total antioxidant capacity were also improved. 70 °C kilning temperature resulted effective to reduce the trypsin inhibitors (up to -27%), increase the reducing power and the level of N-trans-caffeoyltyramine and cannabisin A. Based on this, malting using 3 germination days and 70 °C as kilning temperature could be considered suitable transformation process for improving hempseeds quality.


Keywords: Antioxidant capacity, Cannabis sativa L. seeds, Industrial hemp, Malting, Phenolic compound, Tocopherols


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