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Canna~Fangled Abstracts

[From cannabis to selective CB2R agonists: molecules with numerous therapeutical virtues].

By June 5, 2013No Comments

pm1[From cannabis to selective CB2R agonists: molecules with numerous therapeutical virtues].

[Article in French]


Institut de chimie pharmaceutique Albert Lespagnol, université Lille Nord, EA 4481, IFR114, 3, rue du Pr Laguesse, BP 83, 59006 Lille, France.


Originally used in Asia for the treatment of pain, spasms, nausea and insomnia, marijuana is the most consumed psychotropic drug worldwide. The interest of medical cannabis has been reconsidered recently, leading to many scientific researches and commercialization of these drugs. Natural and syntheticcannabinoids display beneficial antiemetic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects in numerous diseases, however accompanied with undesirable effects due to the CB1 receptor. Present researches focus on the design of therapeutical molecules targeting the CB2 receptors, and thus avoiding central side effects and therefore psychotropic effects caused by the CB1 receptor.
© 2013 médecine/sciences – Inserm.




[PubMed – in process]
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