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Canna~Fangled Abstracts

[Medical cannabinoids and their indications in chronic pain]

By July 15, 2020July 16th, 2020No Comments
[Article in French]
  • PMID: 32672015


in En , French

Democratization of the cannabis consumption and its derivatives incite patients to ask ever more for medical cannabinoid prescriptions, especially in the context of chronic pain. Its use is only validated in certain limited cases, in particular spasticity linked to multiple sclerosis and refractory epilepsies. All other prescriptions require a special request to the OFSP. Moreover, cannabinoid intake may produce several dose-dependent side effects that require a close monitoring with a slow and gradual initiation of its dosage. In the absence of clear medical evidence, many other mechanisms of action need to be investigated with ongoing and future studies to clarify their indication.

Conflict of interest statement

Les auteurs n’ont déclaré aucun conflit d’intérêts en relation avec cet article.

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