Canna~Fangled Abstracts

Is medical marijuana legalisation possible in Poland?

By March 26, 2018No Comments
Cent Eur J Public Health. 2018 Mar;26(1):45-48. doi: 10.21101/cejph.a4578.


PM 2 site 207OBJECTIVES:

In some countries of the world it is legal to use plant-based marijuana for therapeutic purposes. When we had learned that 7,000 petitioners (including doctors) signed the petition to enable access to marijuana for patients in the Czech Republic, we decided to examine the knowledge about marijuana‘s medical properties among Polish medical students.


Anonymous questionnaire study was conducted on a group of 181 of students of the last (sixth) year of medical school.


It was demonstrated that students are not provided with sufficient information about therapeutic administration of plant-based marijuana during medical studies. The majority of interviewees mentioned only one indication for medical marijuana use. All students did not interchange medical conditions for which marijuana is used in 30 USA states or Canada.


Marijuana smoking for medical purposes differs from recreational smoking, and its effect does not depend on occurrence of symptoms from the central nervous system. Few studies, that were carried out along with numerous previously unreported cases of patients, demonstrated that plant-derived marijuana had therapeutic effect on many diseases where conventional medicine was of no help.


All doctors, including medical students, should receive more information about the therapeutic properties of marijuana.


attitudes; knowledge; legalization; medical marijuana; medical students

PMID: 29684297
DOI: 10.21101/cejph.a4578
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