Context: Treatment options for advanced neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (together PPGLs) are still limited. In recent years, anti-tumor effects of cannabinoids have been reported; however, there are only very limited data available in NETs or PPGLs.
Objective: Investigation of the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on patient-derived human NET/PPGL primary cultures and on NET/PPGL cell lines.
Methods: We established primary cultures derived from 46 different patients with PPGLs (n = 35) or NETs (n = 11) who underwent tumor resection at two centers. Treatment of patient primary cultures with clinically relevant doses (5 µM) and slightly higher doses (10 µM) of CBD was performed.
Results: We found opposing effects of 5 µM CBD: significant anti-tumor effects in 5/35 (14%) and significant tumor-promoting effects in 6/35 (17%) of PPGL primary cultures. In terms of anti-tumor effects, cluster 2-related PPGLs showed significantly stronger responsivity to CBD compared to cluster 1-related PPGLs (p = 0.042). Of the cluster 2-related tumors, NF1 PPGLs showed strongest responsivity (4/5 PPGL primary cultures with a significant decrease in cell viability were NF1-mutated). We also found opposing effects of 10 µM CBD in PPGLs and NETs: significant anti-tumor effects in 9/33 of PPGL (27%) and 3/11 of NET (27%) primary cultures, significant tumor-promoting effects in 6/33 of PPGL (18%) and 2/11 of NET (18%) primary cultures.
Conclusions: We suggest a potential novel treatment option for some NETs/PPGLs, but also provide evidence for caution when applying cannabinoids as supportive therapy for pain or appetite management to cancer patients, and possibly as health supplements.
Keywords: CBD, cannabidiol, cannabinoids, neuroendocrine tumor, pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma
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