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Canna~Fangled Abstracts

The Naturalistic Cannabis Administration Protocol (NCAP): A Proof-of-Concept Study

By September 21, 2022September 25th, 2022No Comments

doi: 10.1080/02791072.2022.2125466.

Online ahead of print.


Lab-based studies examining the effects of cannabis administration on human behavior compromise ecological validity due to the influence of set and setting. Contextual factors of clinical settings have long been recognized as producing measurable changes in physiology, emotionality, and cognition. Among people who use drugs, these settings may be associated with higher levels of perceived stigma and stereotype threat which may meaningfully confound the effects of cannabis on outcomes of interest. Recent liberalization of cannabis regulation may allow novel and more ecologically valid approaches to assessing the acute effects of cannabis. The Naturalistic Cannabis Administration Protocol (NCAP) is a novel paradigm for the study of acute cannabis effects in an ecologically valid manner. Two independent studies demonstrated the safety and feasibility of the NCAP. Participants (N= 79; Mage = 25.44, SD = 5.67) self-administered the cannabis of their choice in their home and then (Study 1; n= 47) engaged in a leisure activity or (Study 2; n= 32) underwent cognitive assessment remotely via videoconference following cannabis administration. The NCAP was well tolerated across samples with no reported adverse events. These findings provide a rationale for the adoption of the NCAP to reduce research barriers and develop our research capabilities to fit the landscape of cannabis use today.

Keywords: Methodology, acute cannabis intoxication, cannabis research, experimental design

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