Canna~Fangled Abstracts

To Act or Not to Act: Endocannabinoid/Dopamine Interactions in Decision-Making.

By December 17, 2015No Comments
2015 Dec 17;9:336. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00336. eCollection 2015.


PM 1aDecision-making is an ethologically adaptive construct that is impaired in multiple psychiatric disorders. Activity within the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system has been traditionally associated with decision-making. The endocannabinoid system through its actions on inhibitory and excitatory synapses modulates dopamine activity and decision-making. The aim of this brief review is to present a synopsis of available data obtained when the endocannabinoid system is manipulated and dopamine activity recorded. To this end, we review research using different behavioral paradigms to provide further insight into how this ubiquitous signaling system biases dopamine-related behaviors to regulate decision-making.


decision-making; dopamine; endocannabinoids; pre-clinical studies; reward





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