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Canna~Fangled Abstracts

Antibiotic Activity of Various Types of Cannabis Resin

By September 8, 1962No Comments

nature publishing group
Antibiotic Activity of Various Types of Cannabis Resin
Institute for the Control of Drugs, Zagreb, Yugoslavia.

NatureSEVERAL methods of characterizing cannabis resin have been previously reported. Thus, methods have been developed based on indophenol reaction with 2,6-dichloroquinonechlorimide1, on a test with peroxide and sulphuric acid2, on determining the content of the acid fraction3 as well as on direct ultra-violet spectrophotometry4. It has been shown in the course of this work that the differences in chemical composition shown by various types of cannabis resin may be explained by the stage of development of a phytochemical process by which cannabidiolic acid is gradually converted to cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabinols and finally to cannabinol. In previous work in this Institute this conversion process was referred to as ‘ripening’ of the resin. Thus, cannabis in which cannabidiolic acid (the initial substance in the conversion of cannabinols) predominated was classified as ‘unripe’. The resin containing mostly physiologically active tetrahydrocannabinols was referred to as ‘ripe’. An ‘intermediate’ type of the drug contains predominantly cannabidiol, while the resin, including mostly cannabinol (the final conversion product), corresponds to the ‘overripe’ cannabis. An alterated type of resin, supposed to contain mostly disintegration products of cannabinols, has also been encountered. The progress of the ripening process in cannabis resin and consequently the formation of a given type was supposed to be affected by climatic, genetic and other ecological factors.

  1.  Grli, Lj. , Acta Pharm. Jug.11, 129 (1961).
  2.  Grli, Lj. , J. Pharm. Pharmacol.13, 637 (1961). | PubMed |
  3.  Grli, Lj. , and Andrec, A. , Experientia17, 325 (1961).
  4.  Grli, Lj. , Farm. Glas. (in the press).
  5.  Krejc caroni, Z. , Horak, M. , and S caronantavy, F. , Acta Univ. Olomuc.16, 9 (1958).
  6.  Krejc caroni, Z. , Horak, M. , and S caronantavy, F. , Pharmazie14, 349 (1959). | PubMed |
  7.  Schultz, O. E. , and Haffner, G. , Z. Naturforsch.14, B, 98 (1959). | ISI |
  8.  Schultz, O. E. , and Haffner, G. , Arch. Pharm.293, 1 (1960). | PubMed | ChemPort |

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