Canna~Fangled Abstracts

Optimizing medicinal hemp production with synergistic light-enhanced technologies and organic biorefinery approaches

By April 7, 2024No Comments

doi: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2024.112890.

Online ahead of print.


This study explores the application of sustainable organic and biorefinery methods to increase the production of therapeutic hemp. Specifically, it focuses on Solodiol, Carmagnola, and Doctor Seedman strains. The study was carried out for 60 days in a highly controlled setting. It employed a unique combination of Murashige and Skoog (MS) media, supplemented with 2,4-D (0.5 mg/L) and kinetin (0.5 mg/L), and augmented with organic additions such as coconut water. This distinctive amalgamation facilitated extraordinary expansion across all varieties. The Solodiol strain demonstrated remarkable growth characteristics in terms of the number of branches, leaves, shoots, and height, whilst Carmagnola and Doctor Seedman indicated significant differences in diameter. Carmagnola, specifically, flourished in specific conditions: a strict 16-h period of light followed by 8 h of darkness, particularly when exposed to blue light. The Carmagnola strain, grown using MS feed (2StemMS), produced a hemp oil extract with a high concentration of 3.85%, compared to the Solodiol and Doctor Seedman strains, and also showcases their potential in promoting an environmentally friendly and therapeutically helpful medicinal hemp industry.

Keywords: Hemp oil, In vitro culture, Medical cannabis, Organic substance

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Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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