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Synthesis and antitumor activity of cannabigerol

By June 16, 1996May 13th, 2019No Comments

June 1996, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp 228–230


  • Seung-Hwa Baek, Seok Du Han, Chan Nam Yook, Young Chae Kim, Jung Suk Kwak

Authors and affiliations

Seung-Hwa Baek

  • Seok Du Han1
  • Chan Nam Yook2

Young Chae Kim

Jung Suk Kwak


Department of Chemistry and Department of Oral AnatomyWonkwang UniversityIksanKorea


Department of Health HygienicWonkwang Public Health Junior CollegeIksanKorea

6 Citations


Cannabigerol(3) was synthesized and evaluated for its inhibitory activity against mouse skin melanoma cells. Cannabigerol displayed significant antitumor activity [inhibitory concentration (IC50)=31.3l μ/mL]in vitro assay.

Key words

Cannabigerol, Antitumor activity, Mouse, skin, melanoma cell


References Cited

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© The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 1996

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References Cited

  • Baek, S. H., Yook, C. N. and Han, D. S.: Boron trifluoride etherate on alumina-A modified Lewis acid reagent(V). A convenient single step synthesis of cannabinoids.Bull. Kor. Chem. Soc. 16(3), 293–296 (1991).Google Scholar
  • Baek, S. H., Srebnik, M., and Mechoulam, R.: Boron trifluoride etherate on alumina-A modified Lewis acid reagent. An improved synthesis of cannabidiol.Tetrahedron Lett. 26(8), 1083–1086 (1985).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
  • Baik, K. U., and Ahn, B. Z.: Cyctotoxic activities of some geranylated flavones against L 1210 cell.J. Pharm. Soc. Korea, 32(2), 125–128 (1988).Google Scholar
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  • Carmichael, J., Degraff, W. G., Gazdar, A. F., Minna, J. D., and Mitchell, J. B., Evaluation of a tetrazolium-based semiautomated colorimetric assay: Assessment of chemosensitivity testing.Cancer Res. 47, 936–942 (1987).PubMedGoogle Scholar
  • Dewey, W. L.: Cannabinoid pharmacology.Pharmacol. Rev., 38, 151–178 (1986).PubMedGoogle Scholar
  • Kleinman, S., Weitzman, S. A., Cassem, N., and Andrews, E.: Double blind trial of δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as an adjunct to prochlorperazine for chemotherapy-induced vomiting.Curr. Ther. Res. 34, 1014–1017 (1983).Google Scholar
  • Kang, K. S., Ryu, S. H., and Ahn, B. Z.: Antineoplastic natural products and the analogues VI.Arch. Pharm. Res. 8, 187–190 (1985).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
  • Mechoulam, R.: In Cannabinoids as therapeutic agents, Boca Raton, CRC Press Inc., (1986).Google Scholar
  • Mosmann, T. J.:Rapid colorimetric assays for cellular growth and survival: application to proliferation and cytotoxicity assays.Immunol. Methods, 65, 55–63 (1983).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
  • McCabe, M., Smith, F. P., Macdonald, J. S., and Woolley, P. V.:Efficacy of tetrahydrocannabinol in patients refractory to standard antiemetic therapy.Invest. New Drugs. 6, 243–246 (1988).PubMedCrossRefGoogle Scholar
  • Plasse, T. F., Gorter, R. W., Krasnow, S. H., Lane, M., Shepard, K. V., and Wadleig, H. R. G.: Recent clinical experince with dronabinol.Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 40, 695–700 (1991).PubMedCrossRefGoogle Scholar
  • Sallan, S. E., Cronin, C., Zelen, M., and Zinberg, N. E.: Antiemetics in patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer: A randomized comparison of δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and prochlorperazine.N. Engl. J. Med. 302, 135–138 (1980).PubMedGoogle Scholar

Copyright information

© The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 1996

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Cite this article as:

Baek, SH., Du Han, S., Yook, C.N. et al. Arch. Pharm. Res. (1996) 19: 228.

  • Received 17 November 1995
    Publisher Name Pharmaceutical Society of Korea
    Print ISSN 0253-6269
    Online ISSN 1976-3786

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